Chapter Twenty One

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Hey loves yes I know I updated yesterday, but I legit finished this yesterday and edited it this morning! I hope you loves enjoy! 🧡💙

It felt like a whole year by the time they made it to the weekend, and the day of the carnival. Naruto was at his house getting ready, while Sasuke was at his getting ready.

Naruto was super excited, and more nervous that it was going to be just the two of them. They had plan that day well after the carnival they were going to head to Naruto's, house to watch some movies.

Naruto was trying to see what he would wear when he heard his phone began to ring, he grasped his phone off his dresser, he smiled once he saw the caller id.

"Hey Kiba." Naruto greeted happily.

"Hey, Naruto what are you up?" Kiba asked.

" I-I'm going to the carnival with Sasuke." Naruto nervously confessed.

The line went silent for a moment.


"Like a date!?" Kiba shouted across the line making Naruto flinch.

The blond placed the phone over the ear his cheeks flushing, as he fumbled with the end of his shirt.

"N-no....just like before." Naruto choked out

"Mhm....sure." Kiba teased.

"I feel like it's date." Kiba stated happily.

Naruto smiled for a moment his heart fluttered at the thought. He shook his head riding of the thought.

"No Kiba Sasuke doesn't see me that." Naruto lowly said.

Laughter was heard over the line.

"Naruto really!?" Kiba laughed.

"I'm sure he does!" He added

'Please don't get my hopes up.'

Naruto fumbled around playing with one of his golden locks.

'No, it can be right?'

"How long do you have to get ready?" Kiba asked.

"Uh...." He hummed, as he glanced at the time.

"An hour." He informed.


Naruto flinched he glanced at his phone only to narrow his eyes.

"Did he just hang up?"

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

Naruto jumped at the suddenly loud knocking. He peeked his head out his room to then walk up to the stairs, as the knocks got louder. He raced down the stairs to open the door only to find the burnet at the front of his door smiling brightly.

"We have to make you look super hot for tonight!" Kiba cheered.

He stormed in shutting the door to then grasp the blonds hand, and pull him up the stairs. Since Naruto was already showered, and smelling fresh Kiba began to tear through his clothes.

"Ooooo I like these!" Kiba gushed.

Kiba pulled out a baby blue silk button up shirt along with white skinny jeans, and baby blue converse.

"Here put these on!" Kiba ordered to then push Naruto into the restroom.

Naruto came out dressed Kiba smiled happily gushing loudly. He helped Naruto tuck in half of the shirt then the other half untucked. He then unbutton the top two buttons to place a silver chain around Naruto's neck then a silver dangling earing.

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