I'm here for you

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It's been a week since I moved to London and life's been great! Tris is officially my best friend and Aimee and Jess have been like sisters to me. I finally know where I belong. Money has been good, my mum was able to buy me a laptop which I loved. Things had been good and nothing could go wrong.

One day my mum as usual went to work, and I was just sitting in my room watching videos on YouTube. I tried to phone Tris to see if he wanted to hang out but it went straight to voicemail. He must have been doing something with the band. A few hours flew by when I heard a knock at the, thinking it was Tris. When I went to the door a policeman stood there. "Are you Katie Dawson?" He asked.
"Yes, what can I help you with?" I asked feeling under pressure.
"Can I come in?" He asked. I let him in.
"Is anyone here with you?" He asked looking worried.
"No my mum should be back though" I said.
"Do you want to phone someone to be with you?" He said shaking a bit. I was starting to get worried so I phoned Tris." Hey, Tris can you come over please?" I asked.
"Yeh sure give me a minute" he said then I hung up. When he got here we all sat at the kitchen table. "I'm sorry to say but their was an accident on the road involving your mum and sadly she didn't make it..." The policeman said. I stopped dead still, not moving. "I'm sorry for your loss, I'll give you some privacy but if you need anything just call me" he said before leaving. "Katie I'm so sorry" Tris said. I never spoke, I ran straight up to my room and cried. Tris followed, he came up to me and gave me a hug. "Everything is going to be okay" he kept saying.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN EVERYTHING OKAY, MY MUM HAS DIED THE ONLY FAMILY I'VE GOT, HER WORK WILL WANT THE HOUSE SO I WILL BE HOMELESS, SO DONT YOU DARE SAY EVERYTHING IS OKAY!!" I practically screamed at him. He started to leave. "No Tris, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,please don't leave!" I asked. He came back up and pulled me into a hug. "I love you" I blurted out. I let go of him covering my face. He looked so shocked. "No, I'm sorry I've embarrassed myself why would someone like you want to go out with someone like me" I said back crying even more. I thought I'd lost my best friend by telling him that. He then got closer and before I realised my lips were touching his. "I love you too" He said back.
I pulled away looking shocked. "Seriously, why when you can have the pretties girls in the world!" I said
"I already have the prettiest girl in the world!" He said biting his lip.
"If they take the house I'll take care of you, you can stay with me" he said.
"Thank you!" I said before burying my head in his chest, and his arms around me. He gently kissed my forehead and I was nearly about to fall asleep when it hit me. "Tris, I want to find my dad."

Yess, they are now an item and their ship name is Kris. A disaster brought them together. RIP Mrs Dawson. So will Katie find her dad and will he be like what Katie thinks he is? Keep reading to find out! Sorry this will be my last post until Friday because I get my iPad taken off me on school days so I will only post on weekends from now on until the next holidays

Eden xx

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