53: I Love You Too (Finale)

Start from the beginning

"I gave them-- most of them-- tangible reasons," I corrected her on that. "I just don't understand how they loved me so hard."

"He said most of them," Alex mentioned and everyone just started laughing again.

"You guys, stop!" I whined, hiding my face with my good hand.

"See?! At least my Christian girlfriend broke up with me, so I didn't break anybody's heart. But you, you broke four good hearts," Khalid laughed.

"Some of them were not good. Some of them were already broken by someone else. I think that's why I had feelings for my first girlfriend. Her twat ex boyfriend broke her so bad and I just wanted to help. She misinterpreted my intentions, and before I knew it she was calling me 'boyfriend'," I related, shrugging.

"Really, I feel bad for those girls," Patrick chimed in, giggling.

"I know, right? Olly has turned all four of them into gay beards. He has four gay beards trying to figure out what they did wrong," said Yadiri, shaking her head at me. "Bad, Oliver, bad."

"I don't," Khalid plainly stated. "They tried to turn my boyfriend straight. They deserved that."

"Oh, darling, it doesn't work that way. No matter the amount of girls Oliver got with, he could never miraculously turn straight," Mako made sure to get the point across.

"That's actually true," Yadiri supported.

"That is if he even got down and dirty with any of those girls," Mako quickly mumbled, trying to hide his mouth so I wouldn't hear him.

"Trust me, he didn't," Jess clarified for all of them, chortling.

"Oh my God, I made out with some of them!" I objected to her reply.

"And?" They all seemed to chorus back at the same time.

"And nothing else," I uttered in a defeated voice, pressing my lips together to stop myself from smiling when they all began laughing at me again. "But I liked them for a while, maybe even romantically at some point. But as time went by, I lost feelings for them and our relationships became strictly platonic because I wouldn't touch or kiss them. Once it got to this point, I started wondering why I was even in a relationship with them, then I'll break up, hoping we can still be friends. Then I'll stupidly enter another relationship. Ugh," I groaned, shaking my head at myself. "They all hate me now, by the way."

They'd all started laughing all over again even before I got to the end of my explanation.

"That's the gay being prominent," Mako was the first to speak.

"It's not your fault they hate you. Maybe they won't hate you anymore if they find out that you're gay?" Alex suggested.

"Oh, no. Trust me, Alex, they will hate him even more. Girls are like that," Jess told him.

"Not all girls, though. If I was one of his exes, I'll be glad to find out that he's gay. At least with that I can assure myself that it wasn't my fault. But then I'll feel really stupid for not seeing the signs. But I won't hate him, that's for sure," Yadiri countered Jessica's point.

"And that's why we're different, babe," Jess pulled Yadiri into a tight side hug.

"Well, we will soon find out what kind of girls they are because they're sure to find out that I'm gay once I start posting pictures of Khalid and I on my Instagram," I announced.

"Cutie wants to show his boyfriend to the world!" Mako cheered, throwing up his hands.

We all continued laughing and making small talk until Alex finally said something that caught our attention.

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