Kinta leaned against the massive archway leading into the dinning hall, people buzzed all around her. Chatting amongst small groups of people, the clacking of metal trays against wooden tables, laughter and playful shouts filled her ears. It was too damn loud in here for her, that's why Kinta never went to the mess hall. Plus she hated being surrounded by so many people, she'd rather be on her own and the food didn't even smell that good.
"Kinta!" Gon's voice rose above the chatter, he waved to her excitedly as the two boys entered the mess hall. Kinta smiled widely and waved back to the boys as they approached. She'd known that they'd be here, she intended on asking them about their Nen teacher.
"Hey Gon, Hi Killua." Kinta smiled at them.
"What are you doing here?" Killua cocked his head at her, seemingly innocently but Kinta could see the suspicion in his eyes. Then again, the kid always looked suspicious about something.
"I came here to train." Kinta shrugged. "I'm trying to learn more about Nen."
"You made it all the way up here without learning any Nen?!" Killua exclaimed.
Kinta just cocked an eyebrow at the white haired boy. "Didn't you two just learn about Nen yourselves?"
"Well yeah-" Killua started but Gon interrupted.
"Only because Hisoka wouldn't let us past without learning at least the basics." Gon chimed in.
"What a jerk." Kinta giggled.
"Are you still hanging around that creep? Ohh, did you guys come here together?" Killua smirked.
Kinta rolled her eyes. "No, we didn't. I had no idea he would be here. And how did you guys learn Nen so quickly?"
"We found a teacher, his name is Mr. Wing and- ow!"
"Idiot!" Killua jabbed at Gon's broken arm. "You can't go around blabbing to everybody about our teacher!"
Kinta giggled at their antics. "Tell you what, I won't tell anybody about your teacher if you guys can promise to call me Risa while you're here."
"Why?" Killua turned his attention back to Kinta.
"Are you in some sort of trouble Kinta-I-I mean, Risa? Do you need help?" Gon's expression suddenly turned serious.
Kinta blinked, nobody had ever asked her if she needed help before. "Im fine, really, I'm just trying to lay low for a while."
Gon didn't look happy with that answer but he nodded. "Well, let us know if you need anything. Okay?"
"Actually-" Kinta chewed her lower lip nervously, she hated asking for help. And she hated feeling like she was using these boys. "I was hoping you could introduce me to your teacher."
The boys looked at each other for a moment before smiling and turning back to Kinta. "Sure!" They chimed in unison.
"It would be fun to train with you!" Gon laughed.
"We can bring you by his place later tonight-" Killua started but was interrupted by a man approaching behind him.
"That won't be necessary." The newcomer said in a low voice.
"Mr.Wing!" Gon exclaimed excitedly. "This is our friend Kinta! We were hoping you'd be willing to take her on as a student!"
Kinta smiled at the man and offered a handshake. She'd expected to see a burly fighter. Not a beanpole in glasses and a half-tucked shirt.
"Absolutely not." Four eyes glared at Kinta, ignoring her outstretched hand.
Kinta blinked in surprise and dropped her hand back to her side, she opened her mouth to say something but Wing cut her off.
"I've seen your fights. I've seen you kill your opponents, you even seemed to enjoy it. I will not train you, I will not help create a monster."
"Ah- Mr. Wing, please. We know Kinta she's-" Gon tried to come to her defense.
"No." Kinta held her hand up. "It's fine Gon." She smiled at the boys, ignoring Wing's icy glare. "I'll figure it out, thanks for your help."
Kinta turned her attention back to Wing, desperately trying to hide the hurt and anger that she felt in the moment, he wasn't wrong. Kinta knew that, but she hadn't expected to be turned away so harshly.
"It was nice meeting you Mr. Wing." She forced a smile at the man.
"See you around Kinta." Killua gave her a half smile and waved as she walked away.
Kinta walked straight back to her room, it was a little past midnight when she finally arrived.  She quickly slipped into her room and slumped against the door as she closed it behind her, letting out a loud sigh as she did. 
"Sounds like that went well~" Hisoka's sing-song voice called from- the bedroom?!
"What the- I thought you left?!" Kinta exclaimed as she shoved herself off the door and stomped towards the bedroom.
"Glasses, isn't interested in teaching you hmm~?" Hisoka layed stretched out on her bed, smirking at her with his arms crossed behind his head. 
"Why the hell are you in my bed?" Kinta sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the doorframe. She tried to ignore the smiling tugging at the corner of her lips and focused on glaring at the man.
Hisoka chuckled as he sat up on the bed. "It's not like I haven't been here before~" He purred. "What exactly did he say?"
"Why are you so interested?"
"You need a teacher." Hisoka said bluntly.
Kinta sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers. "He's seen my previous fights, apparently he doesn't want to help create a monster."
Hisoka cocked an eyebrow and she noticed him stiffen.  "He called you a monster?"
Kinta forced a smile and cocked her head at the weirdo in her bed. "He's right of course, but it still hurts." She chuckled dryly and rolled her eyes.
"Hmm?" Hisoka gave her a perplexed look, his head slowly cocked to the side. "If he's right then why does that hurt?"
"You sure are full of questions tonight." Kinta huffed.
"Im bored~" Hisoka sighed "Waiting is difficult sometimes~"
"What are you waiting for?"
"My fruits to ripen of course~" Hisoka gave her a closed-eyed smile. "How about a game? Since you're so reluctant to answer my questions~" He shifted to the opposite side of the bed, grabbing something he must have left on the floor.
Kinta cocked her head and watched him curiously, her eyes widened when he produced a large bottle of alcohol.
"Lets play a drinking game~" He smirked at her. "We take turns asking questions, you can either answer the question or drink."
Kinta put a hand over her mouth to stifle her laugh. "You're that bored huh? You think I'll open up if you get me drunk?"
"Will you?" Hisoka stood from the bed, tossing the bottle in the air and catching it again.
Kinta smiled at the man. "Fine, Hisoka. I'll play your game."

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