"What do you want to get, Jae?" Hoseok asked as she walked beside Taehyung who's also following the rapper like a child waiting for his Mom to get on the candy amd chocolate aisle,

"Banana Milk for Gguk and Chocolate Milk for me," Jaerin said with a smile as Hoseok nodded, listing it on his mind for his two dongsaengs,

"I'm envious of your relationship with Jeongguk, I know you longer but you're closer than him." Taehyung pouted jokingly which made the younger vocalist smile,

"You have Jimin though, and besides, us four are like the bestest of friends, it's just your soulmate is Jimin and mine is Gguk! But not in a girlfriend-boyfriend type though," Jaerin giggled as her eyes sparkled when she saw Hoseok put the flavored milks into the cart,

Taehyung shrugged, agreeing to what Jaerin said as they followed Hoseok everywhere until they have to stop to pay for the groceries,

Meanwhile at the Bangtan Dorm,

Jeongguk is trying to help the older Hyungs to whatever he can do, Seokjin would ask him to do simple things like getting the salt from the cupboard, making him taste the meal if it's good enough or if it needs salt or if it's too salty,

Namjoon and Jimin got back from the pastry shop a few minutes after the grocery trio left,

Jimin holding the cake box as they placed it inside the refrigerator for the meantime so that the frosting and icing won't melt,

The small living room slash dining room is already decorated as they already did it the morning before they went to practice,

Smiley balloons everywhere and is sticking to the ceiling and floor, triangle banderita hanged on the ceiling brightly, a pattern of her favorite colors,

Seokjin placed the dishes on the table as they waited for the trio to arrive as Jeongguk held the wrapped gift, rolling it around using his fingertips but stopped when Seokjin scolded him as the oldest received an apologetic smile from the youngest,

"Happy Birthday!"

They celebrated the night with beaming and bright smiles, laughters echoing throughout the small dorm that they live in.

They find happiness in small things,

"You bought a gift for me?" Jaerin's voice is small as Jeongguk gave her the wrapped present as the members nodded, waiting for her to tear the gift open.

"Thank You," She said before tearing the gift wrapper gently, a smile spreading on her lips when she saw a familiar rectangular box,

"You guys bought me a new pair of shoes?! And a baseball cap?!" Her eyes widened as she took out the shoe box that contained her brand new shoe,

"Hm, the pair you're wearing is old and the soles are already loose and a baseball cap because you want it," Seokjin explained as she stood up and bowed politely, almost folding herself into a half,

"Thank You!" She said once again as she stood straight, wearing the baseball cap that fit exactly on her head,

"You don't have to wear the talking shoe anymore!" Jeongguk laughed as Jaerin stuck her tongue out to the her fellow maknae,

She'd always wear the baseball cap wherever she went, to the agency, to the convenience store, she sometimes wear the hat even though she's just inside the house,

The pair of Converse sneakers that the boys bought her is now her favorite pair of shoes, she didn't threw the old one as it held so much memories and it's very sentimental,

So much things have happened with the group, the roller coaster to success is one sure bumpy ride but they're going to make it.

They were only eight but they knew they're going to grow manier as weeks and year pass,

As days pass they're becoming stronger, not letting the haters get into them, they're going to let them because they know they'll get tired of hating them when they did nothing wrong,

They're just eight innocent kids trying to live their dream, trying to make their doubtful parent proud, trying to heal everyone thru their lyrics and song.

They want to touch the hearts of many thru their gifted selves and talents, they want to show everyone that they're not losers and they're not quitters,

They're going to show everyone that they're mistaken, that they're going to break the music industry.

They're going to show everyone that they made a mistake in making fun of the group,

© staerryniights
  — kookarchives

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