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The quartet walks into the castle in silence, they figured that everybody must be in the Great Hall

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The quartet walks into the castle in silence, they figured that everybody must be in the Great Hall. It's weird seeing Hogwarts like this. So silent, lifeless and destroyed. And all for what? All because of some dumb prophecy, all because the Dark Lord wishes to live forever. How pathetic. As they approach the enterance of the Great Hall, they can hear the low murmurs of the people inside. Taking a deep breath, Lorelai was the first to step inside. She had to find her family, she had to find Draco. But she regrets walking inside the second she does so. The Great Hall is filled with pain, suffering and death. She walks past Padma and professor Trelawney just so see that Parvati had died. Her heart ached. They weren't close, but they had spent a reasonable amout of time together in their fifth year at Dumbledore Army practices.

Sobbing was heard at the distance, so, naturally she turns her head to where the sound is coming from. There lied Fred Weasley and her heart breaks even more. He was one of her first ever friends, he was without a doubt the funniest person she knew and always knew how to put a smile on her face even in the darkest moments. A tear trickled down her cheek, she tried wiping at her eyes but the tears came anyways. He was one of the good ones. Why was it always the good ones? Lorelai found herself asking that question a lot lately. First with Sirius's death, then with Dumbledore's, then with Dobby's and now with Fred's.

"Lorelai!" A voice calls out. Sitting next to Fred's pale and lifeless body was her brother. Tears were also streaming down his face as he mourns the death of his best friend. Upon seeing his little sister, a wave of relief courses through his body as he jumps up and embraces her into a hug, she shoots her small arms up and wraps them around his torso. "Thank Merlin you're okay." He whispers as he pulls away from her.

"What about dad, is he okay?" She stammered. She hadn't seen him anywhere yet and was starting to think of the worst. 

"He's fine. He went looking for you not long after the Death Eater's left. He should be back soon." He answers. "Bloody hell, look at you! Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey."

"I'm fine. It's just a couple of bruises." She tried explaining, but she knew very well that it was much more than a couple of bruises.

"You're bleeding, Lore. I've never seen that much blood in my life. Stop being stubborn."

"Fine." She consented. "Have you seen Draco?"

"So it's true? What they've been saying?" Jacob clenches his jaw. He didn't like the idea of his little sister being with a wanker like him, even if he did redeem himself. "You're in a... you're his..."

"Girlfriend, yes."


"He's not a bad person, Jacob. He just never had a choice. How would you have acted if since the day you were able to speak, you were taught that you're superior to others because you're a pureblood. If mum and dad had told you that anyone who wasn't in your house was a blood traitor?" She argues. "Don't even try saying that you would have acted differently, because I know you wouldn't have. Besides, he's changed. Back when Ron, Harry, Hermione and I were being held captive at the manor by Death Eaters, he —"

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