Chapter 18

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Before we start with the chapter, I would request you to please follow me on Instagram as I do release precaps of next chapter there, make few videos and quotes and most importantly I can connect on personal level there with you all. My insta handle is - bewitched_quotes.❤️❤️ You all!


Lydia's POV

"Ooops! I made a huge mistake." I winked and giggled while sitting on his lap. His arms around me, his chin over my shoulder and his nose inhaling all my fragrance is what I will call my 'Heaven'!

"That you did... But I was already a bit sure after seeing that love bite. And later on with the movie and hospital scenes I knew who you are. The passionate love bite you gifted did all the wonders!" I shook my head smiling to myself. I tried so hard to hide under the pretense of being abhored by him. Maybe, our bond, our hearts and our love was much stronger than my pretense.

"Where does Vince fits in here?" I asked while staring at our picture.

"I decided to take his help to break your shield. I knew you won't be able to see me suffer infront of you." I glared at him.

"So you decided to break your knuckles! You are fucking insane Sean. You could have confronted me." I said while hitting him on his thighs.

"And give you a chance to make excuses? No thanks.... I already suffered a lot all these years. My patience was extremely thin." I looked at him as the tears already started shimmering in my eyes.

"Sean.... that night you said if that girl would not have been younger, you.... Was that an honest answer?" I asked as my heart was beating fast waiting for his answer.

He laughed at my expressions making me agitated.

"Actually, baby..... That story was made up. Annnd... Before you start hitting me, look at my wounds." I glared at him as I blushed with a long sigh of relief.

"Why you made me jealous then? Do you know I wanted to kill that girl..."

"I know that, and though made up... But there were many girls who had a real hard core crush on me!" I pinched his thigh and he winced.

"You know, our ship name is much more amazing now. 'Seadia!" Much better than "Seali'." I laughed as he successfully diverted the topic.

"Smart ass! Now continue with the journal." I looked at the book slightly burnt from the sides. He surely was very much frustrated to burn this special book.

"Yes sure." I stopped him from turning the page.

"Why you didn't burn it fully?" I asked.

"How could I? Yes, I stopped looking at this journal completely." I smiled sadly.

"And I had to search your whole room in search of this. When I saw it this condition, I felt my heart weeping. But at the same time there was a satisfaction that you saved this on time." I wiped my tears. He sighed and closed the journal.

"Lydia, I still find it weird to call you Lydia." I chuckled.

"But anyways, Lydia.... I love you. Not your name, not the type of clothes you used to wear. Yes, I thought my hate for you is stronger so I took that step. But that day I realized that my love is much deeper than I thought. This condition of journal didn't affect the memories it stores inside." I nodded and turned to kiss him.

"What do you say about informing everyone about us?" I blushed at his question as we parted our lips.

"Yes." I said after encircling my arms around his neck.

"But first you have to say me, why you didn't come to say the truth after you met me again? And don't use guilt as an excuse." I frowned at him in guilt.

"But guilt was the main reason!" I said.

"But it was not the only reason right?" I nodded slowly.

"What else?" We both looked at each other seriously, interpreting each others thoughts. I blinked and gulped few times while framing sentences in my mind.

"Umm... I... Actually there's a thing you don't know. That night.... I was upset bec...."

"What the fuck!" We jumped apart as the door opened and shocked Siana entered inside.

"Lydia?" I nodded while looking as apologetic as possible. Sean and I got up from the bed while waiting for her to burst.

"Explain!" She glared at us.

"Wait... Just sit first. We will explain." Sean said and made her sit on the bed.


"Ohh wow! That's.... So romantic. So ummm... So intense love story!" Si shrieked with joy as both of us laughed at her antiques. Just like the old times.

"Wait!" We looked at her in shock.

"You said something about Lexi warning you. That means Lexi knew?" I looked at the twins in shock which they returned.

"Ye..s. Before you both explode, listen to me. Actually, she did say me to confess. I made her promise not to reveal all this. I... It was hectic at that time. You know with Dad and Lisa, all those chaos." I tried to explain them the reasons, but I was short of words!

"Still, she hide it." Si said.

"Exactly, if she would have helped... We would have been married right now." I blushed at his words.

"Now she will suffer our wrath!" Both of them asserted.

Sorry Lexi! I tried.

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