Chapter 8

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Eight years ago

Lydia's POV

He is late! He warned me to come on time and now he is late! I should have slept more, atleast it's better than standing outside the unknown library.

"Sorry! Sorry, sorry!" Sean came running towards me.

"What happened to you come on time speech!" I glared at him.

"I am so sorry! But it's your mistake okay!" I looked at him in disbelief.

"And, pray tell. How I am at fault here?" I asked him.

"You talked to me last night and then after hanging up the call, all I did was to think about you!" I don't know if I should blush right now or get angry!

"I also did the same, I also thought about you, but look at me! I am on time." I shrugged. And as soon as I realized what I said, I blushed like a stupid teenager. That I am!

"Really?" He smirked.

"W..we have to go. I have already enrolled myself." I glared at him and he scratched his head, trying to look as guilty as possible. I must say I never saw such a cute fake guilty face ever! Am I in trouble?

We went inside the library and picked the isolated corner seats, so that our interactions will not disturb anyone.

"Sean..... I do not have any book! Show me where novels are kept here." I whispered.

"Who will study? Stupid." He shrugged taking out a notebook from his bag.

"Then what are we going to do?" I asked. Actually whispered.

"We will play." He said making dots in his book.

"What? What are you doing?" I looked at him and then looked at his book.

"We will connecting dots. See, there are dots here in this whole page. We have connect dots in such a way that there comes out a small rectangle. In that rectange we have write initial letter of our name. After this whole paper is filled, we will count the rectangles of both the initials. Who gains more rectangles will be the winner and can demand anything from loser. Agree? And you can only connect in one straight line yo the next dot. Right, left, upward or downward to next nearby dot okay." I chuckled and nodded.

"Agreed. Let's play." I said taking the pen from him. I connected the middle dots to it's next one on the right side. Sean took the pen and connected the dots in the middle somewhere. Like this we went on drawing the lines overall the paper without making a single rectangle in it.

"Now where should I draw?" I asked to myself. If I draw one single line anywhere and all the rectangles will be his! He put me into this again!

I examined every line, but there is no other way. I have to draw a line and then all rectangles will be his. He is too cunning and smart for my sanity!

"Sean! You are a cheater." I whispered while eyeing him in agitation. The smirk was gracing his lips and winning speech was dancing in his eyes.

"It's a mind game baby. Those who use mind can win it!" He gloated.

"Very well. I will show you how I use my mind while murdering you!" I said and draw a line anywhere.

"No problem. First let me claim my award." He said and started drawing all over the paper and after that wrote his initials all over the paper.

"What award?" I asked.

"I can demand anything from the loser. That's you, unsurprisingly!" He smirked making me furious level 100!

"Okay. Demand." I said through my teeth.

"Hmmm. Before our school starts, let's make a one day trip to some resort." I looked at him.

"Don't get me wrong but, you have to save for your education. Why are you wasting it? Yesterday, I agree it was our first meeting. But now...."

"I can spare for this trip. After that I have to do job for atleast three years so that I can save enough for being a doctor. My Dad saved some money for us, not a lot... But there is. Don't worry." He smiled.

"Sean, can you change your promise? We can.... Umm do something else? Otherwise l, let me pay this time?" I asked.

"What you suggest? Just because I don't have money, doesn't mean I can't take you somewhere." He sprung from his seat and went out.

God! I hurted his self respect. I should have made no comments over it.

I ran silently behind him and as I moved out of library, I called Sean.

"Sean, wait! Please stop walking, so fast atleast!" I said loudly. He went on walking to god knows where.

"Sean. Stop please! Please wait for me atleast, we can walk together!" I ran behind him as fast as possible for me. Can't he reduce his speed? From ten minutes I am running behind him and I can't catch him!

"Sean!" I shouted as he went inside some door and shut the door. Is that his home? What should I do now? Knock or not?

I called Sean on his mobile, but he just didn't answer. After few more tries he phone was off!

After a lot of failed attempts, I finally knocked on the door. A few moments later, the door opened to a really gorgeous, just like Sean girl.

"Umm yes?" She asked in confusion.

"Umm. Actually, I am here for Sean. Can I see him?" I asked.

"Sean means Sean who is always brooding? He talks less and my twin?" I giggled and nodded.

"Yes that one." I said trying to control my laugh.

"But he just went in anger. Are you sure you will be able to handle his anger? Because, nobody in this house can." Again, it was really hard for me control my laughs.

"Yes. May I?" I asked.

"Yes sure. Go upstairs, look for a clean and plain door. That will be his." She welcomed me in the living room and said while smiling.

"Mamma, look a girl just arrived for Sean." She said as her mother entered.

"Wow! My son is progressing somewhere!" I coughed out of embarrassment.

"Mamma! Don't embarrass her!" She said and gestured me to go up. I hesitantly went upstairs and looked for a clean room. Finally, after after finding a plain one, I knocked.

"Si! Don't disturb now!" He shouted from the other side.

"It's me." I said. Few sounds were heard and door flung open.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in shock.

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