Chapter 49

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Sean's POV

"What happened to your hands!?" I asked her in panic and took her hands in mine.

"None of your business." She said jerking her hands away from mine making me feel the pang of her words and her action.

"Dia, let us go to hospital. Your hands needs medicine." Lisa said but Dia just shook her head.

"No... Uncle is also injured. After he comes we will go together. He has been through a lot today... Can you call Lexi and ask if she can come and meet him? He might need her today after learning that Agatha killed his beloved wife. You won't believe but he was ready to kill her." Dia said while Lisa nodded.

"Okay... Liam is already on his way here. I will ask him to take Lexi with him too." Lisa said went on the side to call.

"I will also submit the proofs that I have." Vince said and left leaving us alone. Alone with the layer of awkwardness.

"Dia... I..." I started to say something but she raised her hand.

"I left your house today. You don't have to wait here when you can go on your way. I will live with my brother from now on. And you can send me divorce papers on that address, I will sign it and you will be free." She said making me flinch at her hurt tone.

"Dia... I didn't mean to. I don't want to divorce you. Please forgive me, I know whatever I said was brutal..." I said but was again interrupted.

"Truth... Brutal but still truth. Look, I am not angry on you. Hurt but not angry. You were absolutely correct when you said that even if we get proofs you will always blame me and yourself. We are not meant to be together and we learned it the hard way. Our meeting, our talking, our loving each other and marrying was a mistake. It should not have happened in the first place." She said and left me alone and sat on the bench outside the station.

"I never wanted to say that Dia... I never thought that my anger will do this irreparable damage to us. Please don't do this." I said as I went and sat near her on the bench.

"How can I not? Do you think when I will see you I will not remember your words? They broke me... I never wanted to leave you. I never thought of going away from you, I always hoped that we will get proofs and everything will go back to normal, but it cannot Sean. It's high time for us to realize that this marriage was wrong from the very start. This can never work." She said while crying and even I couldn't stop my tears.

"Can you not forgive me? I made a huge mistake and I will never repeat it. I promise." I said catching her hand in mine making her flinch in pain.

"Sorry..." I said and left her hand.

"Finally! It's done... They will be presented to court tomorrow and this will be trial less battle. I hope judge decides to execute her. Even at time like this, all she is thinking about is revenge." Uncle Marcelo said to Dia as soon as he exited the police station.

"Great!" Dia said and smiled at him.

"Is he your husband?" He asked her while gesturing me. I nodded at him.

"I am Sean." I said and smiled.

"Always take care of her. She almost lost her life today for the proof." He said making me turn towards Dia.

"Dad!" Lexi shouted and ran towards Uncle Marcelo and hugged him. Behind her were Kian, Richie, Si and Chase in his sleepy state.

"Ohh! My baby... You don't know what she did to your mother. She murdered her." He said while crying.

"What? That bi... I will kill her." Lexi started to march in anger but Kian stopped her.

"She will be punished by law baby." He said trying to calm her down.

"No! That bitch will get one slap from me." Saying that she went inside the police station.

"You are Kian? Take care of my daughter or I will chop you alive!" Marcelo threatened Kian making Kian squirm in nervousness but still he nodded and both of them ran behind Lexi.

"Even I want to slap her. Baby stay here till Momma comes okay?" Si said and went inside. Richie followed her muttering few curses about the pain in handling my twin.

After all that chaos was over, I turned towards Dia and she was staring the sky sadly.

"Dia... I cannot live without you. All this, our love, our marriage can never be a mistake. And if it is  mistake in your eyes then I will forever repeat the same mistake again and again. I handled the situation absurdly, and could not control my anger. I said things which I would have never said and created a mess. Lisa warned me that you will never forgive still I will ask. Please forgive me? Please?" I asked more like begged for my wife to forgive my mistake.

"I forgave you already but how should I forgive myself? My selfishness took life of two people. They did not deserve this. You and Si do not deserve this. You are too good and I am so selfish. I was always selfish and that ruined so many lives. Still, everyone of you gave me a second chance, understood my situation and accepted me. But I am not the right person to be lucky enough to get your love." She said as if she is mentally slapping herself.

"No... Uncle Kian is stupid but still Lexi handles him. My father is also stupid, he can't propose but still Momma loves him. Same with you Aunt Dia. You are stupid but Uncle loves you and will never want you to go. My daddy cried for Mommy, Uncle Kian cried for Lexi. Do you want Uncle Sean to cry for you? Will you say sorry after that?" Chase said making us go silent for a while.

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