Chapter 39

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Lydia's POV

I looked at girls before entering in the house.

"Lexi... Please don't say anything about here. Talk to your husbands after you all reach home." I said as I don't want to false hope to Sean. I will say him everything as and when we are alone.

He will understand and hopefully will forgive me for taking this step without informing him.

"Don't worry, I will talk to Kian and everyone about my father once we reach home." She said making me smile gratefully at her.

"And are you going to talk to Liam about this? There might be chance that we don't get any proofs and I will not be able to forgive myself." I asked Lia and muttered sadly.

"We will get the proofs! We will. My parents will get there deserved justice. Don't be so negative Dia!" Si snapped suddenly making me shocked. I looked at her with tears in my eyes and nodded. I can understand what she as well as Sean are going through.

"Yes. They will... We will do whatever we can and much more so that we can get evidence." Lexi said.

"And please take care of your pregnancy first. I will even lay my whole just so we can get proofs." I said and hugged her.

"I know... It's just... Pregnancy hormones." She muttered while crying.

After finally consoling Si, we entered and saw Lisa running down the stairs while crying without even looking at us or acknowledging us.

"What happened to her?" Lexi asked in confused while I shrugged while looking at the door.

"Nowadays whatever happens with her connects to Vince." Lia said while sighing.

"She was always like this. Whenever she used to like something, that used to be her life. But she is mature and will understand I hope." I said and gestured them to go and meet their guys as Lisa informed that they are in study.

"Well, you both have love marriage so you say this. Do you know how a person can be a living dead after a coerced marriage?" As soon as we entered the passage we heard Liam's making Amelia boil in anger. She went ahead in great speed with us following her in haste.

"No need to show this attitude to my brothers! If you are so much dead after marrying me then just fucking divorce me!" She shouted while shocking everyone including herself.

"Lia... We can talk politely." I said and made her sit on the couch.

"Do hell with politeness! I have been nothing but with him... He who never talks to me even when he is lonely. He who thinks that his wife is a bag in which he can fill all his anger for the day. Still... I thought he will understand, but I was wrong!" She shouted and got up while pushing me to the side slightly.

"As if I wanted a wife! I wanted freedom Lia... From childhood I always wanted to be free. From being my father's puppet. But look... Now my friends think that I am your puppet and I can't go out. Flirt with anyone or have a one night stand which I always wanted. I am trapped. Why? Because I made a mistake of kissing you back. Because I made a mistake of taking your safety in my hands." Liam shouted.

"That's it!" Sean shouted before the atmosphere turns even more weird.

"Not in my house. You all will go out like civilized people and everyone will talk things out and solve in the best way they can. We have much bigger problem of catching Agatha and finding evidence against my parents' murdrer and I don't want become a marriage counselor or relationship counselor here. You both are matured and no one forced you to get married. Liam, if you didn't want to marry then you should have insisted upon it rather than going behind everyone's back to get married. Get out from her before I push each an everyone out from my house." Sean said in finalty and glared at everyone present here.

Everyone nodded and went away leaving us alone.

"Sean... I wan..."

"Not a word Dia! Not a word... Everything is  going the opposite way and seriously I am hating it." Sean said and sat on the chair while looking at some papers.

"Sean, don't overthink. You need rest, you didn't sleep properly for a week now and I think you should just rest and leave everything over god." I said while gently massaging his shoulders.

"No! It's very easy for you to say just rest. It's not your parents whose justice is on stake! You have evidence and your mother will get the justice but mine may not if I don't pull my shits together and search for a conclusive evidence. Just now actually a bit everyday in this week I started realising that I made a huge mistake. I should have insisted the truth out of you or never let you enter my life! I lost my parents because of myself! I am culprit here." His words pierced my heart through and through. He is angry and I know he doesn't mean most of the things but still my heart felt a huge blow after hearing him say this. Till now, he supported me knowing the whole truth even it might have been hard for him so I will also try to support him and will not let his words affect our relationship.

"Sean... I know you are upset and you feel like you are not able to do anything but we will find evidence very soon. We will try our best to get justice for Mom, Dad and my Mom. Please..." As soon as I went to hug him he pushed me in anger.

"No... I will not see your face till my parents get the justice they deserve. Now, I will do everything to get the evidence and then only I will see you again." Saying this he went out leaving me in daze.

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