47: Breaking Him

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"Mason, I'm really sorry. Please just listen to my half-baked apology because that's all I can give you," I begged.

He aggressively kicked off his shoes and his trousers went flying to his wardrobe next.

"Mason?" I called out his name to get his attention but he ignored me. He acted like I wasn't even there.

Walking over to his wardrobe, he picked out some house clothes and got into them. Then trotted back to his bed and rested against his headboard, hugging his legs to his chest, and hiding his face in his knees.

"Mason, please," I cried, swallowing to clear my voice.

"You're still here?" He stated the obvious with a teary voice, rocking himself back and forth.

Summoning the courage to walk over to his bed, I sat lightly at the edge and tentatively placed a hand on his foot. He didn't flinch or push me away, so I took that as a good sign.

"I told you I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me," I announced again with determination.

"Be my guest," he countered and then went silent. The only sound coming from him were his occasional soft sobs and sniffles.

We stayed that way for almost an hour, crying in silence. He seemed really bent on making me suffer his silence, just like I'd unknowingly broken his heart and made him suffer. However, I got comfortable beside him, although he scooted all the way to the other side of the bed just to stay as far away from me as possible.

Despite his cold attitude, I was still kilometres away from giving up.

"I needed you, Olly. I still need you--" he finally spoke to me and when I heard him I couldn't stop myself from automatically going all defensive. I suppose that was my nature. It was a bit difficult to get over it, especially in situations like these.

"I'm still here for you. I never went away, and I'm most definitely not going anywhere."

"--Will you let me finish?" He slowly turned to catch my eyes which never looked away from him.

His beautiful, clean eyes were bloodshot and nothing like the way they used to be. The beautiful gleam in them had vanished, leaving a pool of broken redness.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Bad habit," I mumbled a quick apology.

"I was going through a lot," he started again after taking a minute to himself, "My family was going through a lot, but I never showed it or burdened you with all of that unnecessary information. I just needed you by my side-- only your presence and the thought that you would always be there for me was enough. Little did I know that I didn't have either of those. You were off kissing someone else, loving someone else, leading me on, while I did nothing but love you with all of me," he continued speaking, uninterrupted by me. I trained my tongue to stay still, and my ears to just listen.

"You know, it's very painful. You do know that is it, right? Heartbreak? Have you ever been heartbroken before?"

If we count my phase with Khalid, then yes. I've experienced heartbreak.

However, I kept this thought to myself. Bringing up how much I felt for Khalid in this situation would only exacerbate his pain.

He released his legs and assumed a more comfortable position, staring down at me who, all of a sudden, couldn't hold eye contact with him anymore. His eyes were eerily bleak, I couldn't come to terms with the fact that I was one of the causes of his bleeding heart.

"No," I jerkily shook my head, releasing my legs as well.

"Well, it hurts. It hurts so much, I'll tell you that. For a moment there, I felt nothing but the pain in my chest. Seeing your clueless, lazy messages only made things worse. It's a surprise you even made time to come see me. I was hoping you wouldn't come because, I thought, then getting over you would be easier. Don't worry, I've come to realise that there's absolutely nothing that can make it any easier than this; having you sincerely apologise, that's the only way you can help," he continued speaking without me uttering me a single word.

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