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"But my god are you all I ever think about, Kang Byeol."

My heart beats erradically out of my chest. Am I hearing him right?


He chuckles, stroking the side of my cheek tenderly. "Yes, Kang Byeol. I've fallen hard and fast for you."

My hands reach out to his forearms, holding him gently. My eyes instinctively dart down to his lips, chewing on my own in deep thought.

"But I'm going out with Kyeongso."

"And I've got a girlfriend."

I laugh quietly, looking down at my dangling legs before darting up to his eyes. "Well that's kind of fucked up, isn't it Jeon?"

He sneaks a glance at my lips as well, nodding slowly. "Yeah, it is," he quietly mutters.

When Kyeongso asked me out on a romantic date, I told myself I wouldn't allow any deep feelings involved. I was willing to try but in all honesty I'm scared of intimacy, of being in a committed relationship. I don't believe it ever lasts long or that the perfect love exists out there, after all my parents fell apart so easily.

But for some reason hearing those words come from Jungkook made me want to try harder. I'm so afraid of falling hard, but I guess it's too late for that.

"Then be with me," I blurt out.

"W-what?" His eyes grow wide. I know he wasn't expecting me to be so bold, hell I wasn't expecting myself to say that.

"I want you, Jungkook. With you it just feels right."

He steps back slowly. "W-what about Kyeongso?" He looks conflicted. I smile, confused at his demeanor.

"Do you want me to be with him instead? Okay then."

"No!" He rushes quickly, cheeks flamed red. I close my eyes, giggling.

"I told him I was just trying things out. I didn't feel ready to be in a relationship when I was with him. But I think I know what I want now," I stutter nervously reaching for his hand. "And I want you," I squeeze it lightly.

His eyes droop now, making me feel disappointed. "You don't know how happy that makes me, Byeol. But I'm sorry..."

"I can't leave Chohee for now."

My heart clenches at his words, eyes darting back and forth from his. "A-after everything?"

He looks away, regret clear in his eyes. "You know, Jungkook. I'm disappointed," my voice strains, the energy seeming to drop low. My cheeks heat up as well, embarrassed my confession took a different turn.

He nods his head solemnly, eyes glistening with tears. "I work up the courage to tell you how I really feel, yet you still can't let go of her? This was really, really hard for me, Jungkook. I have a lot of trust issues but I'm willing to try and see past them for you, stop seeing Kyeongso for you. Why can't you do the same for me?" I plead with him.

"Don't you know how hard it was for me to tell you how I feel too?" He raises his voice at me. "God, I want so bad to make you mine but I just can't yet. I need time to fix it. This is really hard for me too, okay? I've felt really suffocated for a really long time now. Please wait for me I am begging you, Byeol. And I don't beg."

For the first time in my life, Jungkook looks so broken. There's something deeper affecting him, and I want nothing more in this moment than to help him break out of it. Out there he's the king of highschool, girls, everyone in school and on the playing field. But in here, he's no better than any regular human being.

"Okay," I whisper softly. His eyes light up in gratefulness. "But this is the last chance you will ever get, Jeon Jungkook. The next time you break me I won't give you another opportunity to mess with me ever again. You'll be out of my life for good."

"Thank you—"

"But since you can't be mine and I can't be yours we'll start from scratch. You and I are just friends until you can settle what you need to do. We don't have the right to feel any way for each other; we both belong to different people. You're not allowed to do anything with me until then."

He looks at me in disbelief. "No kissing?" He whispers as he moves closer to me. I fight the urge to look at his swollen lips.

"No kissing."

"Not even hugs? Friends hug all the time."

"No they don't. And no hugs."

"Damn I really hurt you this time, didn't I?"

I cross my arms in my lap, looking away. "You either do this or we never see each other again. Deal?" I stick my hand out.

He looks at my hand warily but takes it anyway. "Deal."

"But this doesn't mean I can't look at you like you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, does it?" He whispers into my ear, making me flush.

"N-no..." I fumble at a loss of words. He smiles mischievously, taking steps backwards. "You know Byeol, I don't need to touch you to make you feel something friends shouldn't feel towards each other."

I play with my fingers anxiously, watching as he walks toward my door now. My heart yearns for him to stay but my mind is telling me I made the right choice. With one hand out the door, he looks back at me playfully.

"I'll be back soon, Kang Byeol. Real soon."

To Dethrone the King | JJK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now