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"Kook! Pay attention to me," her whiny voice rings.

"What did you say?" I ask her sheepishly.

She groans in frustration, sighing as she looks out on the road once more. "How dare she kiss your cheek? Let alone in front of me."

I bite my lower lip in an attempt to hide a smile. When did she get so bold? I really thought I lost her the other day.

Mark my words, Kang Byeol. You will be mine soon.

Chohee grabs my thigh suddenly, rubbing sensual circles on it. "W-wha..."

"You know very well you belong to me, Jungkook. You can play with any girl you want but in the end it'll always be me."

I sigh, looking out the window blissfully. Once we reach the house she climbs over my lap and begins kissing me passionately. I feel myself give in, hands roaming her sides as I kiss back with equal force. As we begin to go further the only girl on my mind isn't the one in front of me begging.

𓈉 ☆ 𓈉

Saturday finally comes round as I feel a bounce in my steps. "Mom! Is he here yet?" I shout, still getting dressed in my room.

"Come down and see for yourself, Jungkook!" She shouts back. I feel like the same kid I was before, happily going down the steps to see him standing in our living room.

"Come here, son," he stretches his arms out to me.

"Dad..." I run up to him, squeezing him hard.

"Woah there, son. You been working out?" He chokes slightly. I let go off him sheepishly, putting him back down.

"Sorry, forgot you're an old man now," I smile. "This kid..." he mutters under his breath.

"Why don't you go somewhere as father and son? I'll start getting the food ready for tonight's dinner. Don't forget we're having the neighbour over as well, Jaejoon," my mother tells him.

He nods curiously as I follow him out, heart beating fast. I haven't seen him in seven months, I really did miss him a lot even if I never showed it. "Let's go to the carnival, hm? I haven't had a good swing in years," he chuckles.

Once we reach we immediately go for the hammer stall game. "You know, things have changed since you last visited. I bet I can swing better than you now," I challenge him.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try," he smirks. He hands the stall owner money and takes his stand to swing the hammer.

He leans back a little, before forcing himself forward and slamming down hard on the pedal. I watch the bar go up anxiously, seeing it almost reach the top. "Not bad for an old man, huh son?" He jokes.

I laugh, taking the hammer from him. A good throw always begins with elbow first. In one swift motion  I bring the hammer down, making sure I smash the red pedal with all my might. The bar shoots up instantly, hearing the bell go off indicating I reached the top.

Everyone around me looks shocked, knowing this game was rigged impossible to win. I smile victoriously, looking over to my father who stares at me with a proud smile. "I'll be damned."

The owner hands me a giant bunny stuff toy, in which I pass it to my dad. "Here, I want you to have it. you can take it with you on your trips next time so you won't forget about me," I tell him softly, suddenly my heart weighing down with heavy emotions.

"Actually I have some exciting news, but I'll save it for dinner. Thank you, Jungkook," he smiles warmly. I really have missed him...

After a whole day of catching up we head back for dinner. As I'm admiring the sunset his voice draws the silence away. "So, son. Got a girl in mind?"

It catches me off guard how easily her  face comes into mind. "Y-yeah, I got a girl too."

He looks back confused. "Too?"

I look away now and he seems to understand. "I see. Let's talk more after dinner, yeah?"

"Okay, dad."

𓈉 ☆ 𓈉

"Food is ready!" Mom shouts excitedly. She really outdid herself today, the kimchi jjigae making my mouth water already. The doorbell rings, knowing it's Kang I skip happily and open the door for her. My smile dies down as soon as I stare at her.

Her hair's let down, flowing just below her shoulders. She's put on a little bit of strawberry lip balm, and her eyes look like they hold a whole universe in them just by how starry they are.

"Um are you gonna let me in, Jeon?" She laughs awkwardly, not wanting to stand outside any longer.

I clear my throat, letting her inside. "Hi, you must be Jungkook's father," she smiles politely.

"Ah, you must be his girl! So nice to meet you," he grins.

My cheeks redden immediately, as do hers. She looks away for a second, eyes clouded with thought. "U-um, actually dad she's—"

"Oh, right! The neighbour, wasn't it? Sorry about that. You can just call me Jaejoon. What might your name be?"

"Kang Byeol. Nice to meet you, Jaejoon," she waves his mistake off.

What? She didn't even ask him to call her Kang.

"Well, Byeol, have a seat. Your name is just as pretty as you."

She goes to take her seat at the table, whispering as she walks past me. "Are you sure you came from him?"

I roll my eyes at her. "Okay that's disgusting, Kang." She laughs sweetly, tucking strands of hair behind her ear. I smile blissfully, admiring her cute figure chomping down on the food.

"This is so good, Ahjumma! You have to teach me how to make it." My mom laughs at her amazed expression, and in this moment it makes me realise how we're all acting like a family again.

I've really missed this.

After awhile my father wipes his mouth, beginning to speak. "Actually, I have good news to tell you guys."

We all look to him expectantly.

"My company's allowing me to have a three-month leave with pay. So I get to spend time with my family more."

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