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"Thank you, officer," I help usher Jungkook onto the couch, the red and blue stark lighting pouring into my house.

"Next time he does this he's going straight to the holding cell. Sorry Ms Kang, but I can only let him off once," he warns me. I nod, sighing and looking at shivering Jeon almost passing out on my couch.

Once they leave I walk over to Kimchi. "I'd love you to, but not yet," I ruffle her head watching as she stares hungrily at the unwanted male.

"Seriously tho, Jeon, what in the hell were you thinking? You could've gotten into serious trouble or worse," I snap.

He eyes me half-lidded. "Even better."

"What were you doing drinking alone? Why did he call me, Jeon?" I kneel down next to him, getting a better look of his clammy face. I wanted nothing to do with him, I was so sure. Today was supposed to be the day I show myself just that, and now I'm concerned for him in a feverish state.

This is my favour repaying. This is the last time I'll let myself deal with him.

"I couldn't help it... I wanted you..." He slurs.

"You don't want me, Jeon. Don't be stupid," I get up, getting him a glass of water.

"No, I do!" He yells at me now, jumping to his feet shakily.

I flinch at his sudden outburst, unable to move.

"I do, Kang! I really do. Hell, I want you more than I want to admit. I'm supposed to hate you, yet why do I think about you all the damn time?"

H-he... what?

"You don't mean that..."

"You have to feel something back, Kang. Don't you?" He heaves heavily.

"Do you?" He asks softer now, unable to hide the fear in his voice.

I look down at my feet, clutching the crutches tighter lips pursed. "Jungkook..." I breathe out shakily.

How am I supposed to feel the same? All he's ever done is make fun of me, hurt me, use me for his own amusement.

And make me laugh, take care of me, kissed me.

"I can't."

As if his whole world crashed on him, his shoulders drop and his eyes show nothing but brokenness. Not a word is spoken from either of us from what seems like forever. Despite the extremities of his drunk behaviour just now, all form of feeling has diminished from him.

"I'll use the ladder to climb into my own room. Don't worry I won't trouble you further," he says emotionlessly.

"Jungkook, I—"

"It's alright, Byeol," he whispers into the quiet night air. "I'm sorry I even came here, I know you don't want to see me anymore."

My heart begins to pound rapidly. What's happening?

"Thank you for dealing with the officer, your favour is repaid. I'll be going now."

He lets himself out, leaving me feeling conflicted. I wanted him out, so why do I yearn for him to stay? Just before he walks back to his house he turns around one last time. A small spark in his eyes makes itself known to me in the darkness of the night, my eyes softening at his look.

"You can't fool a king, Kang Byeol. I'll make sure of it."

With that, he disappears from my porch. I shiver, closing the door against the cool night breeze. Why does he always make things so complicated?

𓈉 ☆ 𓈉

"Are you sure this is okay?" He asks me.

"Don't worry about it. I feel bad having cut short our time yesterday, and I don't feel like going out today," I wave his discomfort off reassuringly.

I needed to make up to Kyeongso, having to leave him early because of Jeon so I invited him over. Maybe he can take my mind off things.

He slowly breaks out into his famous warm smile, setting himself down on the couch. It's comforting to know how considerate and understanding he is, knowing I have trust issues and respecting it. Inviting him over is just my way of saying thank you and sorry.

"Do you want something to drink? I have stock of almost everything," I laugh, making my way to the fridge.

"Ah, it's cool I can get it myself," he quickly sits me down once more. "You shouldn't move around too much, it'll just make the recovery process longer."

My cheeks heat up when he takes the crutches from me and leans it against the sofa, ruffling my hair as he walks to my fridge. This makes me feel like I'm some dog.

"You just look like a cute lost puppy," Kyeongso says.

"Okay you've got to stop doing that it's almost like you can read my mind," I narrow my eyes at him accusingly.

He laughs, sitting back down and handing me a chocomilk. "So, what are we watching?"

𓈉 ☆ 𓈉

"Hey, what the hell! I was rooting for this guy," he pouts cutely.

I laugh, shaking my head. "Why are you rooting for the bad guys? Obviously the girl's gonna kill them all."

"Not all horror movies come out with the good guys winning, you know that?" his eyes sparkle.

"You are so weird, Kyeongso."

"Please, you just haven't watched enough horror movies, Kang. We're binge watching them all today!" he makes great hand gestures as he exclaims. His facial expressions are cute, making me giggle.

We end up watching horror movie after horror movie till it's three in the morning and he hasn't left yet.

"Shit, looks at the time! Can we put pause on this? I gotta get back home," he smiles sheepishly.

I look at him in playful accuse. "You're leaving me alone? At witching hour after all those movies we just watched?"

He laughs, wearing his jacket now. "Sorry, Kang. I gotta get home before my momma gets mad. Gotta choose her over you," he smiles.

"Okay, I'll see you again some other time. Please stay safe. Text me when you reach home, promise?"

With one hand out the door he holds up his pinky at me. "Promise," he giggles.

Maybe opening up to him more won't be such a bad idea.

As her friend leaves her porch in the dead of night, his heart clenches at the sight.

A/N: i don't like how i ended thissss ugh I'll edit it soon sorry if you didn't like it either:(

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