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warning: suggestive assault content (do skip if you're uncomfortable)


"Just who the fuck are you?" Jeon growls.

His sudden change in demeanor gives me whiplash, looking at him in shock. Everyone else seems to be taken back by his hostility as well.

"Don't be rude, Jeon. He made our milkshakes the other day, remember?" I roll my eyes.

"Ah, hey man I'm Kyeongso. nice to meet you all," he addresses the whole group politely. Although Jeon seems to have a dark cloud looming over him, Kyeongso's smile was bright enough to put everyone at ease straight away.

I introduce everyone to him slowly, Jeon last since he's in such a bad mood for some reason. "You guys are really nice. Next time you come round I'll use my staff discount on your meal," he laughs, everyone cheering and hyping him up.

I smile, laughing at everyone's happy faces but Jeon's. "I gotta get back to work. I'll text you again okay?" He tells me, patting my shoulders before moving off.

"Bye," I tell him softly waving as he disappears behind the counter.

"Damn, Kang! He's a keeper," Haru jokes nudging my shoulder hard. I blush hard at her statement, allowing my gaze to linger back to his figure at the cashier.

"Please, Kang has better taste than that," a pissy voice joins.

"Excuse me, Jeon?" I provoke him, not tolerating any of his bullshit today.

"I'm just backing you up here, Kang," his eyes grow in amusement, turning to Haru. "Trust me, Haru. Anyone can do better than that excuse of a man, including someone of such low standards as Kang," he snickers.

I stand up quickly, chair scraping against the ground harshly. Without hesitation I empty out the entire milkshake onto his uniform, drenching him from head to toe. He shouts in recoil, everyone not daring to say a word.

"A real man knows how to treat people with respect, which clearly you don't, Jeon."

"Is there something wrong here?" The girlfriend comes back, hands on her hips watching me with angry eyes.

I turn around to face her, eyeing her with the same intensity. "Your boyfriend's being a lil' bitch, that's what. I'm out."

I flip him off one last time and storm out of the diner, not waiting for the rest to react.

God, I'm such an idiot.

Today was supposed to be a fun time we can ditch class together as seniors but I had to ruin it all. The stress of everything and Jeon's hurtful words get to me no matter how hard I try to push it away, forcing the tears out as I walk home.

I wipe my eyes hard with the back of my hand, trying to ignore the overwhelming thoughts of how pathetic I must look to onlookers.

"Are you okay?" A voice suddenly calls making me jump.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," the man speaks, voice sounding gruff. He looks like an absolute dirtbag, stomach slightly exposed from the stained tank top and rough stubble on his face.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright heh," I laugh nervously, trying to back away from the creepy vibe I get from him.

"Ah, where are you going? I just want to make sure you're okay," his voice distorts slowly, making my heart beat rapidly in fear. Just the smell of his clothes is enough to trigger my gag reflex.

"I-I nowhere. I'm fine d-don't worry, just need to clear my head," I lie.

"Let me take your mind off it for you, hm?" He inches forward now, his advance sparking an immediate reaction for me as I speed away off away from him.

I run and run, not caring where I go. As much as I try to devise a solid plan, the pounding footsteps behind me grows loud in my head unable to think of anything else. The one time I don't bring my skateboard to school.

I whimper as my impending doom gets louder, somehow ending up at a deadend alleyway. There's a short wall acting as a divider between the two opposing streets. Not like I have anything to lose.

I make an attempt to jump onto the dumspter lid and jump over the wall, however missing it just by an inch and sent plummeting down to my doom. "Ah!"

I take a nasty fall down, feeling my leg twist in the process. Blood begins to pour out from whatever shards of glass I may have fallen onto lying on the ground.

The man now towers over me and I feel nothing but vulnerable. I'm in no position to fight back, and I'm too shaken up to even move a muscle. "P-Please—"


I hold the side of my face in pain, whimpering as the sting begins to throb in my cheek. For the first time in my life, I wish Jungkook was here. He's the first and only name that pops into my mind. Or maybe I'm better off dead? That way I won't have to be a burden to everyone around me.

"You bitch! I was being nice but you've decided to play the wrong game with me," his breath hits my nostrils like a fucking ton of bricks, forcing me to hold my mouth back from vomiting onto his shoes.

As soon as I hear the belt buckle of his pants clink I start panicking, knowing what's about to happen.

"No! Kill me, please!" I shout at him, pushing myself away with my good leg. It's getting harder to breathe, everything around me fading out in sound.

I close my eyes, praying hard. Please, this is not how I want to go out...

I keep waiting for an impact but nothing happens. I still keep my eyes shut and hands to the side of my face, shielding myself. A muffled voice begins to break through the clouded silence and I feel a light touch on my shoulder. I shout at it scared, pushing as hard as I can wanting it to go away.

"Don't touch me! Don't t-touch me—"

"Byeol, it's me!" He grabs hold of my hands in defense, the familiarity in his voice lowering my heartbeat.

I open my eyes slowly, his blurry face coming into view. "Byeol... it's me," he breathes out, holding the side of my face.

"J-Jungkook..." I sob, lunging forward at him.

I don't care about what he said at the diner, I just need his comfort right now. He hesitates, but slowly brings his arms up behind my back.

"I'm here now, it's alright..." he shushes me softly.

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