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"Thank you for visiting!" She bows respectfully as the man walks away.

"Kang, a word?" Her supervisor pops round the corner.

Kang Byeol follows her to the back room, ready to be yelled at for whatever Jeon did.

"Where is he?" She asks.

"Sorry?" She blinks twice.

"Jungkook. Is he coming?" She folds her arms impatiently.

She frowns. He's never missed a day at work and he didn't look sick just now. "Probably not. Asshole's a coward," Byeol's voice fading at the last part.

She sighs, pushing her glasses up. "Why did you two even apply together if you hated each other so much? Today is the most at peace I've been since you two devils joined."

"I didn't apply with him! He found out I was applying and freeloaded off me!" She raises her voice. The sudden outburst take both of them by surprise, backing down slowly and muttering an apology to her superior.

"Really? That's not what he told us during the interview, you know."

For the countless time today her heart skips with surprise. "W-what did he say?"

"He said you told him to apply since you really liked working here, that he could tell how happy it made you and wanted to be just as happy in a job as you were here. So you inspired him to take up tour guiding."

Her mouth hangs open. This doesn't sound like Jungkook at all.

"U-uh, I..."

"Just tell him to text me his reason, okay?" She walks off signalling the girl off. "Ah, to be young," smiles and shakes her head.

Kang's perception of Jeon keeps changing giving her headaches. One moment he's this ball of joy, the next they're fighting he ignores her and now he's got a whole new side to him. Just what did she do to make him avoid me like this?

She decides to bury her anger in food. Moving to the foodcourt she sees the same milkshake boy behind the counter. He spots her figure walking in and waves enthusiastically. Her cheeks adorn a rose colour but shyly make her way over.

"U-um hi," she timidly smiles.

He chuckles at her shyness. "Hey, Byeol. How's work today?"

"You know my name?" She narrows her eyes at him thinking he's some stalker.

He looks confused for a second before eyes darting down. "Uh, your nametag?"

He gestures to her uniform and she immediately feels like crawling into a hole.

"Right," she laughs nervously. "I actually go by Kang. Don't call me that."

His smile falters a little, making me feel guilty. "I-I'm sorry, I—"

"It's fine you didn't know," She waves it off. "Sorry for my hostility, it's really not directed at you."

"It's alright. How about a chocoshake, hm? You seem kinda down and something tells me you're in desperate need of it."

My smile is picked up effortlessly. "Yeah, I'd like that."

He pushes off the counter and starts pouring ingredients into the blender. "I never properly introduced myself. I'm Lee Kyeongso," he smiles widely.


"What was that?" He speaks louder, turning the blender on. Shit, she must've said it out loud.

"Uh, n-nothing. I just said it suits you since you've really got a bright smile."

He chuckles, turning the blender off. As he's scooping its contents into the small cup, she can't help but admire his arms in his short sleeved uniform top. They're more lean, not as muscular as Jungkook's. She feels the sudden urge to hit herself in her face, wondering why her mind went there so effortlessly.

"Hey I was wondering, would you maybe wanna go out? I'd really like to hang out with you sometime." His voice pulls her from her thoughts.

"U-uh, I—" She panics. Her heartbeat plays loud in her ears as she fiddles with her fingers.

"Oh, no not like that! I meant as friends," he rushes. She lets out a sigh of relief, thankful he understands she's not ready for anything of that sort.

"Sure, I'd love to."

He smiles appreciatively, handing her the chocoshake along with his phone. She takes the hint and grabs both items from him, keying in her number and handing the latter back.

"Ah, how much for the—"

"On the house. For my new friend," he laughs.

Her eyes soften at his expression. Something in his voice tells her he doesn't have much friends.

"Well, I should probably go," she says sheepishly after a while. She tucks fallen strands of hair behind her ear as she glances up at him, oblivious to how fast she just made his heart beat. "Thanks for my chocoshake but I've gotta get home. Bye Kyeongso!"

She skips off happily as he watches her disappearing figure. "Yeah, bye Kang..."

𓈉 ☆ 𓈉

Meanwhile, Jungkook's mind is elsewhere as he's putting his shirt back on.

"Where're you going, Kook?" The apprehension in her voice making him shudder.

"Home, Chohee. It's past dinner time and I told my mom I'd be home for dinner so technically I'm already late," he sighs.

He tries to get up from the edge of the bed and she can't help but feel him slip from her fingers. "Please, Kook. Stay with me."

He groans frustrated. "I can't, Cho. You know why. This is unhealthy," he gently uses both hands to push hers away from the hem of his shirt.

She feels the tears threatening to trickle down her face but remains determined, grabbing holding of his torso from behind before he can move away from the bed. "At least, a round two?" She begins running her hands down the male's chest suggestively.

"Fuck," he hisses, falling back once more. He towers over her small body, diving into a pleasure to take his mind off his conflicting thoughts.

𓈉 ☆ 𓈉

Already prepared, he parks a few blocks away from home and silently walks to the side of the house. He takes the ladder leaning against his neighbour's house that he last used to wake her up from the window and positions it against his.

As quietly as he can, he makes his way up to the opened window hoping his mother is sound asleep by now. Just as he reaches the ledge and swings his body in, he can't help his lingering gaze on the window across from his, seeing the girl on her laptop sitting by the bed.

You're confusing me, Kang.

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