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A/N: who did this i just want to talk

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A/N: who did this i just want to talk


"Kang, I'm hungry," he incessantly whines.

"Sorry, one moment," I politely smile to the lady I was talking to. She glances behind me warily but proceeds to walk around after.

"What the hell is your problem we are supposed to be working," I whisper-yell at him, not wanting to disrupt the peaceful museum environment.

"How am I supposed to work if my stomach's empty? It's your health you should prioritise so that you get the work done better," he bunny-smiles at me.

"I could do my work better if you just leave me alone!" I cross my arms, looking at the lady from before who is now walking out of the exhibition.

Great, I lost another visitor thanks to him.

"Take care of me and I'll leave you alone then," he challenges.

My head hangs low in defeat, knowing he's not going to stop anytime soon. I walk to the cafeteria, finding it ridiculous I have to bring this kid to eat when we've only got 20 minutes left till our shift is over.

"What do you want," I snap, looking back at him. His hands are joint together, gnawing on his bottom lip like a small child.

"Chocolate shake," he whispers.

"Two chocolate shakes."

The guy nods, keying in our order. I hand him the money and wait at the side. I notice him staring at me a lot, making me feel uncomfortable. Is there something on my face? Maybe there's something wrong with my uniform.

"I just thought you were pretty," he says, as if reading my thoughts.

I feel my cheeks heating up, instinctively putting my palms to them. "U-uh—"

Jeon behind starts laughing. "Trust me bro, you're dodging a bullet with this one."

I feel offended and smack his arm. "I paid for your fucking drink, you should be bowing down to me."

"Now why would the King bow down to anyone?" He narrows his eyes and tilts his head arrogantly.

I look back to the milkshake guy and see him smiling at me reassuringly. I look down to my feet, not wanting him to see me smiling back.

He hands the both of us our drinks. "Hopefully see you soon," he calls out before we leave the cafeteria.

"What a weirdo. Hey can I try some of yours?" Jeon asks.

He doesn't bother hearing my answer before taking a sip from my milkshake. "We ordered the same fucking thing, dumbass."

I push back slightly, but his leg moves backwards and slips a little, his milkshake uncapping itself just as he falls back.

It spills everywhere as Jeon lies on the floor, groaning. It literally looked like a murder scene, except instead of blood he was bleeding out chocolate shake.

I burst out laughing, pointing at him and taking pictures. On-lookers shoot us dirty looks, Jeon included. "It's not funny, help me up," he says.

A hint of embarrassment in his voice makes me gush with guilt, slowly extending my hand out of goodwill. However it soon becomes my downfall as soon as Jungkook grabs it and pulls me down face flat onto the floor with him, smearing me in his chocoshake.

"Ew gross!" I squeeze my eyes and mouth shut trying to escape. After a while I start laughing and he does too. A pair of feet comes into view next to us. We look up and see our supervisor glaring down at the both of us.

I roll next to Jungkook on the floor, looking at him wide-eyed in fear. Jungkook side-eyes me before innocently looking up to him. "Uh, what if we told you this was an artistic representation we were tryna create?"

"This is all your fault, Jeon," I growl.

"Hey you were the one that pushed me, Kang. Don't put the blame on me," he retorts, dipping the mop in water once more.

"I wouldn't have had to if I didn't need to bring you to get something to eat!"

The entire Yedae museum is completely emptied out now, sky turned dark as we work overtime to clear up the mess we made. I could be at home by now eating with Kimchi and watching tv...

"Just you wait, Kang. I will get you back good for this," he smirks, acting as if he's in deep thought.

"Sure, Jeon. After your whole 'artistic representation' bullshit I do not have high expectations of you," I smugly say.

"Whatever let's just clean up I wanna go home," he whines.

I sit down at the lunch table and everyone seems to be immersed in deep conversation. "I know right that's so weird," Minsuh breaths out.

"What's weird?" I ask in between munching on my food.

"Jungkook's new girl. She's a few years older from what I know," Yeona chimes in.

"Damn, that's weird," I say.

"That's what I said!" Minsuh exaggerates, making me laugh at her face.

"But that's not the weirdest thing about them."

"Then what is?" Haru questions curiously leaning in. Yeona leans forward too, glancing at everyone.

"It seems like they're pretty serious, which is very unlike him."

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