Kaorin and Thompson

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Thompson clenched his fist and walks away from his hiding place.

Kaorin is also there.

They both separate.

When Kaorin realized that Margarite is missing. He instantly informed Thompson.

When they learned that Margarite visits the Prince they are relieve. But Thompson is very much unhappy about it.
Though it is what he feels.
He doesn't say much about it.
They are not officially engage yet.and even if they are, he will not stop Margarite to become friends to men. Even though he feels awful and jealous, he will not make Margarite feel that he wants to imprison her.
That would be the last resort, he thinks.

"Thompson, you have to get closer to Arianne now."
Kaorin said.
Of course he felt unsettled saying it.
Though Thompson is not officially his sister's fiancee, the family already accepted that fact that they will eventually get married.
Thompson is his future brother-in-law, for him to push him to another woman's arm. He felt really unsettled and bothered.

Thompson stares at Kaorin's frowning face.
Actually, he doesn't like Kaorin.
Kaorin hurts Margarite. 
He doesn't support her.
He caused her pain.
But when he finds out the truth he pity Kaorin so much.
He loves his sister so badly, but he can only show how he hates her instead.
If he is in his situation, he might not be able to return to normal.
But Kaorin looks fine.
Struggling but he is alright.
He still can make proper judgement and he is not losing his mind.
He admires him.
And also, he starts liking him.
Though he always say he hates him.
Kaorin already treated him as a part of his extended family.

"I understand."

"And stay away from Margarite for the time being. Even if she wishes too."




"Thank you."

Thompson smiles.
"Well, I am taking profit so it's fine."


"The payment is simple."

Kaorin frowns.

"I just want Margarite to have my family name."

Kaorin angrily glares at him.
"She is too young to get married. Idiot."

Thompson merrily laughs.


Margarite angrily closed the door. She folded her arms.

"That Bitch Arianne! I will get to her one of these days." She said angrily.


Margarite looks back and see Kaorin staring at her.


"Where did you go? Didn't I told you it is not safe?"


"Because of it. I have to tell Thompson and we find you visiting your ex fiance. You should have seen Thompson's dark expression."
Kaorin chuckles.

Thompson thought he concealed his expression but it is actually the opposite.

Margarite blushes.
"It's not like that! I...I just want to tell the Prince."

"Tell him what?"

"That I forgive him."

Kaorin stares at Margarite.
"You do?"

Margarite nods.
"So….Why didn't you show up if you know where I am?"

"We plan to let Thompson lead Arianne. We should not be seen together."

"........I can't see him?"

"Sure you can. But he will ignore you."


"Don't be sad. It's all for your sake."

"I know."

"Okay. Be a good girl and do not run around without an escort."

Margarite nods.

I hate her but she is Me (Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu