Bye Bye

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Chapter 19

Bye Bye

Thompson’s P.O.V

I panic when I saw the tears pour out in her eyes. Her body trembles and her face twisted in distress.


I am going to hug her but two cold hands snatch her shoulder from me.
I look up and saw the Duke’s sea like eyes staring back at me. I wonder why I don’t see hostility but gentleness.
Then he squat down and look at Margarite.


“Father,” she sniffs trying to end the water works.

“We have guests..” he softly remind her.

Bewildered and shock, Margarite turns around and see three more sets of eyes looking at her with confusion and somehow…pity?

“Ow, I am sorry. This is disgraceful---”

“Do not mind us.” But Grandfather smiles and cut her words.

Margarite startled then nod. She gave him her rare to see smile.
I can see Thomas eyes widen.
I will TALK to him later when we get back that staring is also a crime.

“This is inappropriate after all.” Margarite’s Mother said glaring at us.

“Then, let’s get back after 6 months. We don’t mind.” Father said easily. He understand that the Duke’s family is a bit special in status and wont quarrel for something trivial.

“Uncle Argent is so kind.” Margarite said with a blush in her face.

MY heart skip a bit and also blush averting my eyes.
‘Uncle, huh’
Does that means, my proposal has been informally accepted by her?

“Uh… Ah..” Father also blushes. This family of mine.

Duke on the other hand been sadden.
He pats my shoulder with a pained smile.


But he said nothing.
I understand why.
Margarite showed my family a bit of her gentleness while she showed her own family nothing but vigilance.
For a Father who loves her greatly, I understand how much this means to him.

“Bye bye.” Margarite insists of escorting me out. I travel with my Grandfather while Father and Thomas on another carriage.

“Margarite…. Thank you.” I take her hand and about to kiss it but Margarite snatch her hand back.
I look up.
But what I saw is her red shaded face with a weird expression on it.

“Y-you! I knew it. You are a rogue!”

I Smile wryly.

“I-I-I…” she continued, “I thought you are a harmless lamb but-but actually a wolf!”

Grandfather snickers at my back.
Laugh all you want.
But Margarite in her distress and flustered self is also very cute.

“Do you hate this wolf, then?” I ask half bowing, half teasing.

“Um….” Stunned her eyes widen even more.

“Are you trying to make a comedy show in front of our house?” Kaorin who has been quiet all morning said and grab both Margarite’s shoulder.

Margarite look up and shyly avert her eyes off Kaorin.
What happened?
Just yesterday, Margarite is very wary of him. I should ask her next time.
But If they become more sibling-like, I will be more at ease leaving her here.
She has so few friends.
No, she only has one, isnt she?
“Im sorry. We are leaving. See you later Margarite.”

“Um. Bye bye.” She cutely pout waving that white hand of hers.

I hate her but she is Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now