I Am Not A Bitch

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Chapter 27

Margarite's P.O.V


"Whoa. Me?" A voice I am familiar with suddenly awaken the groggy me.

I opened my eyes widely.

"ME!" I shouted.

We are in a cloudy white space.
The real Margarite in my real body!

"This space is amazing. Just think of something and it appears." She happily said.
Why is she happy?
My face is a bit rosy and not as dull as I use to possess.
It is awkward to see my own body talking to me.

"Hey!" She pokes me in the side.

I shudder.

"Pffttt.. I remember I have sensitive side. Hahaha. Your expression is priceless." She laughs until she fell in the chair. The chair vanish in thin air and she is not hurt cause the clouds cushion her fall.

"Why are you happy? Now that we can see each other. Let's change back!" I said.

Her eyes widen.
I swear I saw fear in her eyes.


Why she ask?

"Cause I am not you!" I angrily said.

"No! You are me! I am Leah."

"No! I am Leah!"

"You are now Margarite! I dont want to come back and...and..."

I sigh.
Why does she insists of being me?
I am a boring otaku.
No family.
Just a grandmother who whines every now and then.

"You have family you can return to." I gulp.
Then what will happen to her?
She loves her family now as if they are her own.

"I am now engage with Yuri."
Original Margarite said with a blush.

"OMG! What? Are you sure? That guy is...a... a 100% PLAYBOY!"

Leah smiles and nod.

"I know." She softly said.

Margarite smiles.
Cant believe that of all the people in the 7000 islands, the new Leah will make that playboy straight!

"Umm...Then ah... T-th--Thompson said he wants to marry...marry me."

Leah eyes widen and there is a tinge of tease.
"Oh hoh. That straight lace. All-I-Care-is-Business guy?"

"I...I am not sure...what will happen.."

"Hehehe. Good for us. We find guys who truly deserves us."

".....about the Prince?"

"How's father?"

"Uh...He is fine."

"All I regret is not listening to him. Take care of him"


".......Big...Big brother?"

"He is...okay."

"...I see. I hope he forgives me."

"Forgive you for what?"
Margarite angrily said.

"Cause I...I lost his trust."

"......I will gain it back. Incidentally, he is..a bit chummy with me because of this event.No. Nothing."

"Oh..Good for you."


"Mother is just a bit tsundere. Bear with her." Leah said holding her hand.


"It feels like we are family. And you are my twin sis."

"Hahaha. Cool with me. Take care of Grandma. Shes a bit excessive but...you will get use to it."
Margarite said shyly.

"About the Prince..." Leah.

"Uh..Do not force yourself if he disgust you so much." Margarite.

"Haha.. Um.. I loved him. I dedicated everything for him. I am not expressive so I often misunderstand but.. Everything I did is because I fell deeply inlove." Leah tear up.

"I know."

"They said, you should never regret being in love. But I regret it. I regret loving him.
If I didnt love him.. I will never lost my family's love. After that....Love turns into hatred. Why did I fell inlove with him? But knowing Yuri....I understand. Cause I met the Prince to appreciate Yuri."

"......Wow. You hate Lucas that much, huh."

"If he only breaks my heart then fine but its not only my heart. Everyone looks at me ugly, hated me. For what? I only cut that bitchy dress! They even provoke me!"


"Wha--- I am not as bad as you think. How could you?"

"But I hated you too.
I hate you but you are me now so..."

"I didnt antagonize her! She is a slut! It is one thing in your world but you should know now that being acquainted to men are immoral in my world. Specially seeking them, without third party is inappropriate but that woman....Uh . So angry!"

Nod. Nod.
Margarite remembers how Kaorin lectures her when he learns that she has been alone with Thompson sometimes.

"So, it is different from the book?"

"What book?" Leah.

Then Margarite tells her about her favorite book.
Leah has been ceying feeling wronged.

"How can they slander me? I am the Duke's daughter! I never did those things. How horrible."

"Oh well, it is just a book that resembles....err.. it might not be accurately the same."

"Ofcourse not! Hey sissy! You have to clear up 'our' name!"


"I am not a bitch! I only love one man. Never harm anyone! How can I become a bitch! You have to clear it up!"

"Umm...I..I will do what I can do.."

"Promise me!"


"Margarite, wake up!" Kaorin patiently calls Margarite who is murmuring in her sleep.

"Clear up...I will...Clear up.."

"Clear up what?"

"Oh! Kao-Why are you here?" Margarite wants to shrink but she's already in the edge of the bed.

"What do you want to clear up?"
Kaorin wipes the sweat in Margarite forehead and gently smile at her..

"Umm...Uh.." Margarite still uncomfortable with this kind of Kaorin.

"I will cut Ara's salary if you wont tell me." Kaorin warns her.

Ara who happily taking the soiled clothes eyes widen.

Margarite saw the stiffened Ara on the side and sigh.
Kaorin has been getting better in controlling her.

"My name...To clear up my name...B-Big Brother...I am...not a bitch.." trembling. Margarite doesnt know how Kaorin will reacts and afraid to be refuse.

Kaorin eyes narrowed.
His lips straighten.

"You...dont have to help.."

"I see. Rest assured. Everyone who bullies you. Big brother will get them back 100 folds."

"Y-you dont have to...."

But her voice was drowned as Kaorin hugs her head tightly.

Kaorin is glaring at the blue sky outside the window.
Its time to pay back what everyone owes the SWAN'S FAMILY.

Longer than the other chap.
I want to have a closure with Leah and Margarite.
Hopia like it.

I hate her but she is Me (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora