You will be Happy

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"Come in."

Margarite puts her book on her lap and looks at Kaorin.

"Did I disturb you?" He asks.

Margarite smiles and just shows him the book she is reading.

"I'm fine. Just reading a book. Is there something wrong?"

Kaorin looks around the room and sit down on the side of the bed.
He reaches his hand and hold Margarite's hand.

"I…..haven't apologized to you yet."

Margarite flinched.

"Brother… is not your fault."

Kaorin shakes his head.
"If I am strong enough….I could have counter it with sheer strength. I...I gave up on you Margarite. I am sorry."
Kaorin tightens his hold in Margarite's hand and puts it on his forehead.
"How much you suffered all these years. Brother doesn't know and I even inflicted the most pain. I didn't fulfilled the promise and hurts you instead. I am sorry."

"Brother…." Margarite heart trembles.
She thought Kaorin will never be able to love her or the original Margarite. Somehow, she blames him and their mother. But now that she realized the truth...all those pain and all those harshness proves how much Kaorin loves Margarite.

Margarite tears up.
She is not really Margarite so she doesn't know if the original will forgive them even if she knows that they are just under a spell.
She wished she can tell Margarite that she was loved and she doesn't need to feel insecure anymore.

"I forgive you brother."

Kaorin looks up.
His blue eyes are sparkling with tears.
He smiles and kiss Margarite's forehead.

"Thank you."


"Where am I?" Margarite asks.

"Leah? I mean Margarite?"

"Oh...the original Margarite!"

Leah scratches her cheek.
"Just call me Leah. Since I am now in this body."

"How are you on the other side?" Margarite asks.

"I am good. I am happy."

"Did you really got engage with Stupid Yuri?"

"......yeah..Do not call him stupid."

"Sorry..My bad."

"........thank you."


"For saying what I want to say to my brother."

"You knew?"

Leah nods.
"I had a dream….It was painful to watch. But I realized that brother and mother didn't mean to hurt me. And that they never stop loving me. I am relieved and happy."


"Margarite….I know it will be fine anyways but be careful okay. Something big will happen."

"Oh….Can you give me a hint? You read the book right?"

"I can't..It...It is not good if the story changes. Anyways, you will be happy in the end so have confidence!"

".......after the book is over..I will not be able to talk to you again."

Leah nods.
"Yeah. The book is what connects us."

"Leah...Are you happy in my stead? I do not have parents. My grandma lives in the province. I have a little money and an apartment but that will not be enough for you to live happily forever."

"I am. I am happy. I...sincerely love Prince Lucas. But….I believe that is not the love I want after I met Yuri. To me...Lucas is someone I am meant to love. So I try my best. In the end. It is not enough."

"Still! I think Prince Lucas is bewitch so…"

"Bewitching is just like brainwashing. If he truly loves me..He can snap out of it. But well...I do not blame him anymore. But I also do not love him."

"I see."

"Thompson,he loves you."

"I know."

"You are lucky."

"Well, Yuri is not so bad if he just stop switching from girl to girl." Margarite sighs.

" can rest assured. He is behaving very maturely now." Leah blushes.

"I see. Take care of my best friend."

"Take care of my family."

"Maybe this is the end huh." Margarite said. "I feel like I am parting with my twin sister."

"Haha….That is so accurate. Twiny, take care."


Margarite wakes up.
She smiles when she hears Ara calling her name outside the room.

Ara went in and looked at Margarite.
She opens the curtain.

"You look happy, my lady." Ara said.

Margarite nods.
"Everything is going so well these days. I am glad." She said.

"True.. Young Master Kaorin is back to health and Duchess is almost recovered. You can go back to school now."


"What's wrong my lady?"

"....I don't want to go back to school."

Ara smiles.
"It's different from before right? Now...Not only you have the Duke and this servant..You also have young master Kaorin with you and Sir Thompson. You also have your good friend Esmerald that risk her life for you."

Margarite nods.
"R-right. What am I being such a coward. Haha."
'Also, Thompson told me that Esmerald is acting weird. She is spreading rumors of me seducing the Prince and Thompson. Esmerald is not that kind of girl. I have to know what is happening.'

"My lady, the Duchess called you to eat breakfast." Ara reminds her.

"Okay." First she has to reassure her mother.
These days her mother sticks to her like a glue..Even if Thompson is visiting she will barge in and join them.

I hate her but she is Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now