Yuri's Heart 2

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Yuri looks at his watch.
They are at the sea side and watching the stars.
He tilts his head to Leah's head.

"Leah...Here's a crazy idea…."

"Hmmm?" Leah looks at him.

"How about we go out?"
He asks.

He is a modern man. He doesn't like taking things slow.
Since he realized he likes her. Then of course he wants to go out with her.

"We are going out...Aren't we?" Leah wonders.

"No...What I mean is...We...as a couple."

Leah blushes.
She barely knows Yuri.
And she comes from a failed betrothal.

"I….may not be the girl you think I am." Leah said thinking maybe Yuri is actually in love with the real Leah.

Yuri shakes his head.
"Actually, everything I know about you is collapsing. And I like you. Is that not good enough reason to start going out?"

"Will you...marry me?"

"Marry?" Yuri is shocked.
How does it end up with a proposal?

Wait...Leah...Did she likes him from the start?
Yuri sighs.

"If you won't marry me...Why do you want to become a couple?" Leah asks.

".......because I realize that I have feelings for you."

"That feeling is not good enough to marry me?"

Everything is happening so fast.
Yuri is bewildered and he can't refute what Leah is saying.
But to marry just like that?
But Leah is his best friend, he is sure he can live with Leah all his life.
Maybe Yuri is just scared because he came from a broken family.
He doesn't want that to happen to him again.

Until they went to Leah's apartment, Yuri is still thinking.

Leah pull Yuri to her bed.

Yuri stares at her.

"Are you seducing me now?" He asks.

"Sleep with me." Leah said blushing. I know it's inappropriate but there is no one in this house but me. I am scared."

Yuri nods.
"Sure. But you have to get use to it. It is not good to always sleep together like this."

"........you don't like it?"


"Sleeping with me?"

Yuri stares at Leah.
That dress, he wants to rip it apart and press Leah in the bed.

'What the---Dangerous!'
Yuri shakes his head.

"No. That….It is because….You know me..I am a horny guy!"

Leah blinks then her face reddened.

Yuri says it himself but he too blushes.
They are in the bed. A man and a woman. And they will sleep on it together…..yet he is talking about being horny…..Gawd, if it is the usual Leah, he will get a slap and kick already.

Yuri slowly looks at Leah.
Leah is blushing and trying to pull down the dress to hide her legs.
That only made it worse.
Yuri sighs.

"Come." He said patting the side of the bed. He wants to sleep already...if that is even possible..

"I will take a quick shower." Leah said and run to the shower.

Yuri froze.

"Why?" He said.
He almost misunderstood.
Why suddenly take a shower.
He thought she was inviting him.
Or ...he wished she was.

The girl came out wearing a comfy pajama.
She is wiping her hair while yawning.

"You go and take a shower too." She said as her eyes are blinking. It looks like she is too tired.

Yuri sighs and went to shower.
Then he realized that….

'Are we like an old couple?'
Shaking his head.
He went out only wearing a bath towel on his waist.

Leah is already sleeping.
He sighs and went to the room next door to get a pajama.
Then he slips to the bed and hugs Leah.

Leah rubs her body at him and settles in.
Yuri is also tired.
The two fell asleep.


I wanna say something to Yuri but...never mind.

I hate her but she is Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now