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Ae-jun's POV

"I'm really sorry I hurt you, Ae-jun.." Sangwoo said as we were seated in the living room. It was quiet for some time after he treated the cut across the bridge of my nose and under my eye. He had finally broken that silence.

Bum was there too of course but he was as quiet as ever. Not a peep from him, like he was afraid of Sangwoo.

"I just wish you'd tell me.." I said, fiddling with my fingers. I avoided any eye contact with the both of them. Was I wrong to? I felt them both staring at me, my soul crying out for help because they'd never look away.

"Is there anything else I need to know? Anything you're hiding from me?" I finally gathered up the courage to look at both of them.

"Well-" Bum started.

"No." Sangwoo cut in. He smiled at me a genuine smile. I honestly could never read Sangwoo. He could be lying but I'd never know because he knows how to handle his situations perfectly without screwing up.

I let out a sigh and checked the time on my phone. "Seungbae will be here soon.." I said, looking back over to them both. "I could've taken you home." Sangwoo insisted but I shook my head. "No it's okay.."

"I'm gonna go take a shower.." Bum said leaving the room. I felt like an awful friend not talking to him about everything. I wanted to go after him but Sangwoo cut in.

"You know Ae-jun, I've known you longer than you thought.." Sangwoo began to speak. "Huh? Seriously?" I was slightly confused if he was telling the truth or not. Was he just making conversation?

"Before you knew Bum even. It was back in highschool, senior year." He said.

Senior Year, Highschool

Sangwoo's POV

"Go go go!" The girls cheered on the guys as we were running laps around the track. The sun was out, blazing hot and my fever was not going away anytime soon.

I started to slow down along with the others, panting roughly. "Hey dude, are you okay?! your nose is bleeding.." one of the guys told me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"We should get you to the nurses office." They insisted.

"Yeah, maybe it's for the best.." I agreed and headed to the nurses office with them.

Once I had gotten to the nurses office there was a girl in there as well. She had cuts and bruises all over her body. She must've been a really clumsy girl.

Her large glasses made her slightly attractive. She was pretty to me but maybe to others, not so much.

"Oh, what brings you he- oh my your nose.." the nurse said, quickly getting tissue for me to stuff up my nose. I looked at the girl, sitting on the bed. She didn't even bother to look in my direction, it's like she was in her own world.

"That's Ae-jun Lee.." the nurse whisper as she sat me down into a chair, tilting my head back slightly. "What's wrong with her?" I asked but the nurse shrugged.

"To be honest with you, I think she's being abused at home, that or she's just extremely clumsy." She responded, placing a hand on my forehead. "You're burning up. I'll go get a wet cloth." The nurse left the room quickly.

I looked over at the girl who was still in the room. She was already looking at me. My body tensed up and I blushed deeply. "Sorry I didn't mean to stare.." I started.

"I get that alot." She said in a cold tone. Now that her head was fully turned in my direction, I noticed she had a busted lip and black eye. I built up the courage to walk over and sit on the bed across from hers. "D-did you get into a fight?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I fell."

"Must be a pretty hard fall.." I chuckled but she kept a serious expression no matter what.

"What about you? You don't seem like the type of guy to be having nosebleeds. You're more like the type to wear a tank top during winter and not feel cold. That's how I see you." She said, fiddling with her fingers in her lap.

"Recently I've been feeling a bit.. sick I'm not sure what it could be, maybe the change in weather.."

She tilted her head slightly. She reached up, taking the tissue from my nose and throwing it away. "Well, maybe it could be something you ate? Food poisoning?" She said, handing me a new piece of tissue.

"Could be.." I said as I tilted my head back. She suddenly placed her hand on the back of my head, pulling it forward. "Best if you not do that, unless you're into choking on your own blood.." she said, removing her hand.

I stared at her for a few seconds before finally speaking up. "A-Are you being hurt at home? Do you need help..?" I asked in a whisper but she didn't respond.

"Ae-jun, let's go." A man showed up, standing at the door. He was in a suit, not to mention how posh and rich he had looked with his slicked back black hair. "Yes... Father.." she stood up and walked towards him. She glanced back at me, bowing before walking out of the room.

The man looked at me with a slight glare. "Stay away from her." He said before leaving.

She never came back to school after that.  She transferred. I never even got to keep in contact with her either. Maybe if she had stayed, I wouldn't have been as messed up as I was now.

Present Day

Ae-jun's POV

My phone started to vibrate in my hands. I looked to see that it was a message from Seungbae that he was waiting outside. I glanced over at Sangwoo and smiled slightly.

"That's my ride..I shall be going now."  I said as I stood up. He stood up aswell and nodded. "I'll see you out.." he said, walking to the front door and I followed.

"I hope.. he treats you well and makes you happy." Sangwoo said with a large, obviously fake smile plastered onto his face. He was hurting I could tell. I would do anything to just make everyone happy but you can't please everyone all the time.

"I'll see you around, Sangwoo.."


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