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Ae-jun's POV

"Good morning, Bum.." I said softly as I walked into the kitchen where he was sat at the table. He quickly looked up at me in shock before relaxing.

"Y-you're still here Ae-jun?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yes I did say I'll be staying here for a while until things calm down with Seungbae.." I responded with a small smile.

"Oh.. but are you r-really gonna go back to him..?" He asked, fiddling with his fingers. "What do you mean?"

"You had sex with Sangwoo the other night, you think going back to Seungbae would be a good idea?" He started, catching me off guard. "I- I um.. I still have to settle things with Seungbae-" he cut in, stopping me from speaking.

"Ae-jun..I've known you longer..than any of them have.. what do they have, that I don't..?" He asked, standing up from where he sat. "I'm not sure what you mean, Bum.." .

"I like you, Ae-jun.. I want to be with you." He said, moving closer.


"I know.. I'm not perfect for you. I'm not tall enough, I'm not handsome or muscular, I don't have the things a girl wants in a guy.."

I stared at him for a few seconds before laughing slightly at his pouty face. He glanced at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Bum, I love you too, but not in the way you think. Heck.. sometimes I'm confused with my feelings for you.." I mumbled.

"What do you mean..?" He asked. "Hmm.. well I'm not sure whether to love you as a brother, a close friend or something like that..I care about you alot and that'll never change.." I smiled, patting his head gently.


He was cut off by the front door opening, Sangwoo walked in with his usual grumpy expression.

"Oh you're awake, I thought you'd want to sleep in some more since it's already passed lunch." He said once he noticed me.

"What?! I thought it was still the morning.." I quickly went into the room and started gathering up my things. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time to see that it was already 1pm.

Suddenly I felt large arms snake their way around me slowly. I gasped escaped my lips in shock but I calmed down when I looked back to see that it was Sangwoo.

"Planning on leaving so soon?" He whispered into my ear. "Sangwoo, not right n-now, Bum is right around the corner.." I whisper, feeling the heat rise to my ears and cheek.

"I'm sure he won't mind..." He said, kissing behind my ear softly. "Sangwoo I-"

My phone began to ring so I quickly pushed myself away from him and grabbed the phone, quickly answering it without looking to see who it could've been. "h-hello!" I blurted out, looking over to Sangwoo who held a smirk on his face.

"Ae-jun, let's go. I'm taking you home" the person on the phone said and my blood ran cold. "Seungbae..?" I said, looking away from Sangwoo.

"Yeah..we need to talk..come outside.." he said and I looked at Sangwoo, who didn't seem happy about this. "Oh, O-okay.. I'll be right there.." I hung up the phone and walked passed Sangwoo.

He grabbed my wrist, stopping me. "I'm sorry.." I said quietly before pulling my arm away.

I slipped on my shoes and walked outside.

Down on the side walk was Seungbae, standing there, waiting for me. I opened the gate and walked out, closing it behind me.


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