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It's been about 4 days since my last meet up coffee time with Seungbae. When I got home I was going to invite him inside but my brother was already waiting for me at the gates furiously.

And when Seungbae left I was a total goner and so was my eye.

"Woah what happened to your eye?" A random student came up to me in the hallway with a concerned look on their face.


"Oh right, I forgot. I don't care." She said with a smugged look on her face before pushing pass me and walking away.

"Thanks for listening..."

My phone started to ring in my back pocket. I reached for it and looked at the screen to see it was an unknown number calling. "Do I answer it...?" I mumbled to myself.

I picked up, bringing the phone to my ear. "Uh.. hello?"

"Hello this is Officer Parks calling,
is this Min-jun's sister?"

"A-ah yes! May I ask
What's wrong?

"I'm gonna need you to come
down to the station."

"Oh, yes sir.. I'll be on my
way but may I ask why?"

"Best discussed in person."


"There is a ride outside, waiting
for you. See you soon"

He hung up before I could even reply back to him. I started to have a slight panic as I made my way out of the University, just to see a cop car outside with an unfamiliar man standing next to it.

I was hoping for it to be Seungbae but sadly I didn't get that. Could my day get anymore worse.

I made my way over to the man. He didn't say a simple word. He just opened the back door for me, so I got in.


I got out of the car and was immediately handcuffed by the man who had picked me up. My heart skipped a beat and it wasn't the good kind. "W-wait- why are you putting me in handcuffs?!"

"Just Incase you don't try something funny for when you get in there." He placed a hand on my back, leading me into the station.

Upon walking in I recognized 3 familiar faces. Sangwoo's friends from the night after the festival.

"So you killed her..?" The girl started, getting up and stomping her way over to me. Before I had any time to respond, I was strucked in the face by her.

I was pulled back by the officer. "That's enough, don't start anymore trouble than there already is." He said, glaring at the girl. I stood there, feeling the stinging sensation from her slap, wanting to cry.

"W-who's dead..?" I asked confused. It was quite obvious that I wanted to cry due to my shaky voice.

"Min Ji Eun, you bitch. You had a little fight with her that night. Jealous of how beautiful she was too. I saw the way you looked at her, with disgust!" She said, stepping forward but she was blocked off by the officer.

"Please, tell me.. why would you do such a thing. To my poor baby girl.." a woman said, walking up to me slowly. I could see the hurt in her eyes but I could also see hatred aswell.

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