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It's been about a week since that day and I haven't seen Miso since. Everytime I asked about her, Dae-hyun always said he fired her and sent her on her way.

I gave up asking him so I just shrugged it off and ignore it. "Good morning.." I said as I walked into his office and made my way over to his desk where he was. "Well you look... New?"

He raised a brow, examining me closely. "It's a new day? Besides, I feel better than I did since the passed few weeks.." I said, fiddling with my fingers. "Don't get too comfortable.." he said, getting up.

"I thought you wanted me to?" I said, walking closer to him. "The last girl got too comfortable." He said, looking out the window.

"The last girl? Who is this last girl?! Everyone's been saying things about her what makes her so important?" I asked, stepping away from him.

"She was kind, sweet, gentle and caring. When she first got here, she was against it all, she put up a fight I'll give you that. That's what I liked about her, she always played hard to get and it was serious. Until she just got use to me. She got comfortable, I didn't like that so I.." He paused and looked at me.

"So you..?" I waited for an answer but he only smiled. "You don't want me to answer that." He said.

"Okay, so you don't want me to get use to this? You want me to resist..?" I asked. "Well yes, when girls resist it makes me want them even more, you haven't been resisting lately, are you catching feelings for me? If you are you can forget about it."

Feelings..? Did I had feelings for him?

"I want to go home.." I said, staring at him. He chuckled, finally turning to me with a smile. "Home? This is your home." He said.

"This isn't my home if I cannot feel comfortable in it!" I glared at him. "Who do you think you're looking at like that?" He asked, walking closer to me. He grabbed my shoulder tightly.

"O-ow, stop it! You're hurting me.." I said, trying to pry his hands off. "You listen to me you whore. You belong to me! I tell you what to do when to do it. That's all you'll ever be so get that through your thick skull!" He pushed me over onto the ground.

"You people... You people make me sick.." I whispered as I stood up. I looked up at him, standing at the window. "You.. rich people. Feeling the need to use us.. because you think you own the world and we're nothing but scums to you! You think you're all high and mighty because you have alot of money..?!" I shouted, getting his attention.

"You'll pay!" I ran towards him as quick as I could and pushed him. The forced was so strong that it broke through the glass and he fell right out of the office onto the ground below.

My eyes widened in fear as I looked down at his body on the ground. He stared right back at me, blood seeping from his mouth. Soon after, a blood puddle formed underneath him from his head and he'd stop moving.

I covered my mouth, moving away from the window. My hands shaking uncontrollably. "No..no.. NO NO NO!" I panicked. I ran to the phones, quickly dialing the police station but before I could call, sirens were heard outside the gates.

I didn't hesitate to drop the phone when I noticed a bunch of police men coming through the gates with loaded weapons.

I left the room, pushing passed the frightened and confused maids and to the exit. I wasn't thinking straight.

I pushed open the front door and was shot right in the shoulder.

Everything was suddenly in slow motion for me.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" I heard someone shout.

I looked to my shoulder, seeing blood seep through my clothes. I looked towards them, stepping forward but before I knew it, I passed out.

When You See Me|Killing Stalking FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now