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Sangwoo's POV

"You're back.." Bum said as I walked into the kitchen, placing the bag of groceries onto the table.

"Well duhhh, where else would I return too? Were you hoping I never come back?" I asked him, staring at him without moving a muscle, waiting for his reply.

"No of course not.." he looked away from my gaze and I couldn't help but smirk at the poor bastard.

"Would you like a partner?" I asked.

He immediately glanced up at me with a confused look on his face.

"I met this girl at the grocery store. Short, big round glasses and hair in a ponytail. I tried to make a slight move on her but she brushed me off. It makes me want her." I said as I caressed his cheek.

"When I look at her, she's not someone I'd say was bangable- I mean she's like you." I ran my hand through his hair.

"But much prettier. I'd say her, brushing me off made her sexy!"

His brows knitted together as he stared at me confused.

"I think she's Min-jun's sister!" That got his attention quite quick. His eyes widened.

"Oh oh~ you know her don't you? Of course you would." I gripped onto his hair from the back, hand full of hair and pulled his head back. "She seems precious don't she? She even smells nice."

"Don't bother her.." He finally spoke. "So he speaks!"

"I want to be your only slave to work for you. I want to be the mom." He said. "Trying to save her skin, aren't you? Hmm.. alright I promise not to bother her." I gave him a wide smile seeing that he gave in so easily to me. What a fucking joke.


Ae-jun's Pov

Another boring day at Sungsoo University. God why did I enrolled! I'm not even that smart. Okay that was a lie.

If it wasn't for my big brain, I wouldn't have been here. I also thought my social life would've changed once I got to university but I ended up still being a loser. Only good for class purposes and nothing more.

As I was walking to my first class I was pushed aside by a couple of guys running down the hallway. "Apologize you jerks!" I screamed at them.

Only one turned to look at me. He winked and then kept on going. "What a dimwit.."

I walked into my class, only to be welcomed by Sangwoo smacking on some girls lips. "Is he serious..." I stared at them as they made out. I wouldn't say it was on 'oh that's hot' kind of stare like I'm interested. It was more of a 'this is disgusting' kind of stare. Like get a room!

The girl pulled away from Sangwoo and looked over at me. She said something to Sangwoo which resulted in him looking over his shoulder at me.

I rolled my eyes and started writing down a few things into my book.

A few moments later a shadow towered over my notes and soon over me aswell. I stared ahead at the males belt buckle that stared right back at me.

I looked up to be greeted with Sangwoo's gentle eyes. Who am I to say they were gentle?

"Hm? Can I help you?" I asked, not to come off a rude but I think it did.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't stare at us while we kiss." He said, causing me to scuff. "Your the one eating her face off in public. Ever heard of taking a breather? Didn't know you could hold your breath for so long." I replied. He only laughed then fell silent right after with a smirk.

"What do you know about kissing?" He asked.

"I read." Was all I said. "It's not the same as actually doing in." He squatted down so our eyes were at the same level.

"You're completely right but as you can see that's never gonna happen. The guys around here are too stuck up to notice a girl like me." I laughed at myself which resulted in him frowning.

"You seem fine to me and any good guy would see that."

I fell silent after he said that. My heart was racing but I couldn't let him get to me. "Thanks? But I'll believe that when more guys starts saying that."

That sounded fucked. Why would I say that. Does it make me seem like a whore? Ughh.

He held an emotionless expression which made me tense up a bit but that went away when he smiled. "Tough cookie." He said, standing up.

"Hey, this might come off as random but.... Do you know someone named Yoon Bum?" I asked.

Sangwoo's POV

Shit. Why bring him up right now.

Maybe I could use this opportunity to get her over to my house.

"Yes I do actually." Her eyes lit up almost immediately. Why is she so excited by that piece of human trash. "Do you know where he is?" She asked.

"Well yeah, he's been visiting me from time to time. You see, he got in a bit of an accident. Broke both of his legs." I said.

Her eyes widened.

"Oh no... I've been trying to message him for so long and haven't been getting through to him. All this time he's been injured and I didn't know..." I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"It's not your fault. He broke his phone when he fell. It fell out of his pocket and smashed into the ground."

She looked down sadly with a small pout. How adorable.

"He doesn't want to see anyone at the moment but Im sure he'd want to see you."

She smiled up at me which made me feel tingly inside. Would she smile up at me like that after sucking me off? She'd probably have my cum all over her face and still smile. Her innocent sweet smile.

"I'll see what I can do." I said, sliding my hands into my pockets to try and hide my erection, it was barely noticeable but it was growing.

I walked away from her and went back over to my seat.

Ae-jun's Pov

I could've sworn I saw... Nah.

I relaxed in my seat and continued writing in my book. "His aura is so confusing..." I mumbled.

After finishing with my notes, I left the lecture because it ended earlier than expected.

When I got home, my brother was already there and not in a good mood.



When You See Me|Killing Stalking FanFicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن