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Sangwoo's POV

"I'll support you!" I said, grabbing her hands, holding them in mines. Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at me. "Don't get rid of the baby! I will take care of him or her..I'll work just as hard to provide for the both of you." I said, giving her hands a light squeeze.

Of course I was lying to her. I would never take care of that mistake she pushed out of her but I like Ae-jun alot and I want her to be mines.

"But Sangwoo, it's not even yours and I don't want to keep it.." she said, pulling her hands away from my grip. "I want to show you how much I care about you..I want to be there for you always. To protect you.."

I leaned forward towards her, moving my hand around her waist but she didn't budge, which means I was getting somewhere. "I don't want it.."

Damn she was so fucking stubborn. I wanted to just grab her by the hair and slam her against the wall and listen to her moan my name.

"I'll be there, I'll support you, even if this was a mistake, I understand what you went through so I would never judge you.. I love you and I know you don't feel the same way-"

She turned her head to finally look at me. "Prove it to me.." those words made my heart race and I couldn't help but smirk at the feeling.

I checked the time to see that it was getting late and I stood up, holding my hand out towards her. "I'll make you forget about your worries, that's if you trust me that is.." I said. She took my hand and I pulled her up towards me. She was small in my hold, just like Bum but she was more attractive. The more I saw her, the prettier she was.

I pulled her with me, into the room across the hall. Bum had walked out of the bathroom fully naked and I stared at him almost a glare. Good thing Ae-jun was inside the room already. I opened the door and looked at her. "One second.."

I closed the door and looked at Bum. "Go put some clothes on and sleep upstairs tonight." I said. "W-why?" He asked. "Because Ae-jun is sleeping down here. With me." I said.

"She shouldn't.." he said. I grabbed him by the face and glared at him. "Don't force my hand, learn to share me when it comes to her, now go!"

"Don't hurt her.." he said before walking upstairs.


Bum's POV

Did she only came here to let Sangwoo have her like that? That should be me in there with Ae-jun not Sangwoo or anyone else!

But what can I say? It's always the good looking guys who gets the girls.

Was he going to kill her right after?


I looked at the clock to see that it was already 5am in the morning. Did I really stay awake for that long?

I sat up and walked over to the door, slowly opening it. I looked down the stairs and proceeded to make my way down.

The light in the kitchen was on so I made my way into the kitchen. Sangwoo was sitting at the table, blood all over his body. "Sangwoo.. what did you do..?" there was a knife in his hand, smeared with blood.

He looked up at me, his hands shaking. "I..I couldn't do it.." he said.

I was confused what he meant by he couldn't do it but clearly he did something.

"I..I told you not to hurt h-her.." I gulped, not moving any closer to him.

"I couldn't kill her...she was so beautiful, the way she moaned my name, feeling her skin again mines, her warm lips..I couldn't kill her.." he placed the knife down.

"Then who.." I proceeded further into the kitchen, my eyes widened to see a fully clothed girl on the floor, covered in blood and stab wounds. "S-Sangwoo... You have to... Clean this up! Before Ae-jun sees it!" I walked over to him, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.

"I can't function...she was so amazing I spared her life..she makes me crazy! I had to kill someone else because I couldn't bring myself to kill her.." he was speaking at a fast pace and sounded crazy.

I slapped him across the face and he went quiet instantly. He glared at me for a few seconds before speaking up.

"Bum.." he said. "Yeah?"

"Don't ever do that again.." He got up, causing me to fall over. He walked over to the body, turning the girl over. She looked similar to Ae-jun. He picked up the girl, putting her into a black bag before heading into the room where Ae-jun was, with the body.

I followed behind him into the room. Ae-jun was still asleep. I could tell that she was naked under the covers and it was tempting to take them off of her but Sangwoo was there. He opened the door to the basement and looked at me.

"Clean up the blood in the kitchen. If she wakes up and see it, tell her it's corn syrup. If she doesn't believe you, taste it and don't you think of touching her, I'll fucking kill you." He said with no emotion at all before disappearing into the basement.

I looked over at Ae-jun who was asleep. " You're lucky..." I whispered, leaving the room to clear up the blood in the kitchen.

I've never cleaned up blood before so this was going to be a difficult task.

After cleaning up the blood as much as I could, I washed my hands and headed back into the room Ae-jun was asleep in. I looked at the basement door to see that it was wide open.

I glanced over to Ae-jun and stared at her for a few seconds before slowly caressing the side of her face. There was a bottle of pills above her head and a glass of water. Did he drug her so that she'd sleep? It looks like she took them herself.

I reached for her covers, pulling them down slowly, revealing her breasts. Under all the baggy clothing she wore, she was definitely hiding that she had breasts after all but they were still a bit small.

I could feel myself having an erection just looking at her. I climbed over Ae-jun and leaned down, pressing my lips against hers. I wanted to know what Sangwoo felt, being with her. I wanted to share Ae-jun with him and make her mines too!

Sangwoo shouldn't be the only one that gets to make her feel good.

Before I could do anything else to her, the sound of Sangwoo's steps could be heard, making its way up the stairs. I quickly got off of her and looked at Sangwoo.

"Go wash up, I'll cut your hair after." He said, walking passed me and headed into the kitchen.


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