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Bum's POV

I had woken up to the sun shining in my face. I blocked out the sun with my hand and as I tried to sit up, there was weight on my chest.

I gasped when I looked down, noticing black, messy hair. There was a body next to me and their head was resting on my chest. "Sangwoo.." I called, slightly frightened that there was a random person sleeping on me.

I winched slighty, looking at my wrist to see it was bandaged up but my hands were still messed with alot of blood. "Oww.."

I slipped myself from under the girl, her hair covering her face, unsure of who she was, I left the room, noticing that I've been sleeping upstairs. I made my way down the stairs and slowly towards the kitchen where Sangwoo was sitting at the table, eating the cake we got.

"It's all melted now...want some?" He asked holding up the cake.

"Sangwoo...there a girl, in the room upstairs asleep.."
I said, feeling uneasy. Now that I thought about it, she did smell familiar.

"It's Ae-jun." He said, placing the cake back down. My  heart skipped a beat at his sudden words.

"Why is she here..?" I asked.

"I called her. Told her you tried to kill yourself. I was under a panic, I didn't know what to do. It was late at night. She came over and patched you up while you were out. She cried the entire time.."

His grip on the fork tighten. It was almost bending in his grip.

"I told her she could sleep in the other room but she refused to leave your side so she slept with you." He said. My face heated up at the thought of her sleeping next to me. Even on me!

Ae-jun's POV

I was woken up by the sound of a scream. I sat up quickly, noticing that Bum was gone. "Bum..?" I'm positive I heard someone shouting. Maybe it was my dream or something.

I got up, noticing all the blood that was on me from Bum's wound. It all came back to me now. I quickly made my way downstairs. Walking out of the bathroom half naked was Sangwoo.

I looked at him for a few seconds before speaking up.  "Where's Bum..?" I asked.

Before he could answer Bum made his way out of the same bathroom. He stopped in shock when he saw me. "Ae-jun.. it's not what it-"

I immediately engulfed him into a hug, crying my eyes out. "You're okay!" I exclaimed, pulling away from him.


"Why are you so selfish, Bum! How could you do such a thing to me.." I gripped his shoulders tightly, resting my head onto his chest.

"Don't ever try to hurt yourself! Ever again. I cannot live like that, thinking I wasn't a good enough friend.. I'm sorry, Bum! I'm so sorry.." I sobbed.

"I won't do it again, I promise.." he said. I pulled away from him, giving a weak smile.

I looked over to Sangwoo. "Please don't let him do something so reckless like that again. Promise me!" I almost shouted.

"Sure." He said. He then pointed at my bloody outfit. "You should wash up, get changed. I can give you some clothes." He said.

"If you have a jacket and some pants, that's good enough for me, for now. I cannot stay I have to get to the police station aswell." I said, which caught his attention.

"Why?" He asked. "I have to bail my brother out."

He let out a sigh and nodded. "I'll go find you some clothes." He said, walking away.


After my bath, I put on the clothes that Sangwoo left out for me and thanked him. The jacket was a bit oversized so I guess it was his and a pair of shorts and underpants. Both belonging to probably his ex.

"Thanks for the clothes. I'll come back later to collect my things." I said as I slipped on my shoes. "Listen, Ae-jun." Sangwoo started.

I looked at him, waiting to hear what he was going to say. "I'm sorry about the kiss.." he said and I smiled. "It's okay.." I said softly.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded. "Mistakes happens all the time. Anyways, I'll see you guys later."

I looked at Bum. "Stay safe." With that, I exit the house and headed on my way to the station.


Upon arriving at the station, I noticed Seungbae, washing the police cars again. He must really love doing that.

"Good morning, car wash." I said as I walked up to him, squatting down. He looked at me for a few seconds before realization hit him. "Ae-jun!" He almost fell over, almost spilling the bucket water on himself.

"Hehe, be careful!" I said, laughing slightly. "Right, damn I almost made a fool outta myself.." he said, his cheeks flushed a bright pink.

"Why are you here so early?" He asked. "I'm here to bail my brother out silly.." I said. He took the time to go over my outfit with a questionable stare.

"Right, your brother.. he got out this morning." He said. I've never felt so scared in my life when he said that. "Wh-what?" I stood up.

"Yeah, this man showed up in a business suit and bailed him out. May I add he looked like a billionaire. He had brown slick back hair and not to mention the face of a model. He seemed to be in his 40's or 50's" he said shrugging.

He stood up, looking at me. "Is everything okay..?" He asked.

This isn't good at all.. if father is back..


I snapped my attention to Seungbae and gulped. "I.. I have to go. I really need to go." I said, turning on my heels and running away to the direction of home.

Seungbae's POV

Before I could follow her, I got called into the station.

What was that all about? And what the hell was she thinking, dressing like that. She had no shirt underneath her jacket.

Maybe I should head over to her house later to check up on her. Something's not right...

I sighed quietly and made my way into the station.


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