Chapter 43 Alexander's Boy

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"And how I missed you!" Y/n said gleefully.

"Well," Issac started, "I will leave you be, Y/n, you know where to find me!"

I turn my attention back to my wife, who was smiling back at me.

"You have to tell me about everything I missed on earth!" Y/n said excitedly.

"Well, our son Alan, his wife had a healthy baby girl who they named after you," I said, looking forward, "I think we should go for a walk, it may take a while, and there is so much I want to see here."

"Sounds wonderful," Y/n said happily.

As we walked I explained everything. I told her about our children and grandchildren's lives. I left nothing out as Y/n nodded her head.

It felt like hours had past but in reality, it was only a moment or two. I guess time is funny here.

"Something doesn't add up here," I say.

"What do you mean, Philip?" Y/n asked.

"I mean, where is my father, what is so hard to explain. He is either in h*ll or Heaven and I don't see him here." I say calmly.

"Alexander isn't in h*ll either." Y/n starts, "It's hard to explain. Well, I know Issac explained it to you,"

"Yes he did but how did my father get himself where he is now? Can he get out?" I asked.

"Alexander can get out if he wants to if he thinks he is worthy of it." Y/n paused before saying, "Somehow, Alexander did something very new, he was gifted a powerful brain and as he was supposed to go to Purgatory he locked himself away at the gates of Heaven."

"Oh," I say, slowly.

"Most guess that he went through all that work to get to Heaven then thought so strongly that he didn't deserve it and punished himself." Y/n said calmly.

"As for helping him? No one knows how too, we figured if Eliza was here she would be able to help Alexander." Y/n says with a sigh.

"Wait, my mum isn't here? How is that possible?" I asked.

"She's here!" Y/n says. "There is this place here in Heaven where there is a rose next to God. Only the most righteous human beings are allowed to go on the Rose."


"See! Right up there!" Y/n says as she points to the redbud in the sky.

As I looked up I saw the silky red petals of the Rose. I saw angels swarm the Rose gracefully, the sound of children giggling and wings flapping in the calming wind.

"Darling?" I asked.

"Yes, Charming." She says.

"Why are there so many children up there?" I asked.

"Oh! Before Jesus went to heaven, every child was promised a spot on the Rose. But that was before he was on Earth."

"Your mother is up there." Y/n says slowly, "Everything she did in her life led her to a seat on the Rose."

"For some reason, that's comforting to me," I say with a smile.

(The rose part is from Dante's Paradiso. I just thought it would be perfect for Eliza. I don't know.)

I spent the rest of the day with Y/n, she showed me around Heaven and it was as beautiful as people on Earth said it would be.

Sadly, I can't tell you about it. Even if I could tell you. Your brain couldn't wrap around the idea.

That night as Y/n slept, I crawled out of our bed in our new house.

I snuck out the door and wandered around Heaven for a while before I found the gates of Heaven.

According to Y/n, my father, Alexander was trapped outside of the gates. All I had to do was get him out.

The walk to the gates was faster than I wanted it to be. I wasn't prepared for what I was about to do.

Goodness, I wasn't even sure I could do it. Or survive...

I pressed my face against the glowing gates, the cool metal pressed against my spiritual skin. The feeling was of peace. I felt clean and renewed by the simple touch of the bares.

I slowly pushed them open, only to almost y'all off of Heaven. I yelled out but thankfully someone grabbed my hand.

"You must be Alexander's boy, aren't you?"

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