Chapter 22

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"Really!" Eliza cried shacking her hands. "But are you?" She asked laying one hand on my stomach.

"No! Yes? Maybe? I'm not sure. I've never been with child before. Plus I don't feel pregnant." I said.

"If I know anything about being pregnant, and I do. I never really feel pregnant at first. But soon a sign will come along." She said with a wink.

"Like what?" I asked, "hold that thought, Tommy why don't you go play outside in the garden?" I said.

"Yes sister!" He said as he walked away to the back door.

I walked Eliza to the sofa as Philip followed. If I were to show a sign, Philip should be able to help spot one, surely.

"Well, one sign is Vomiting, dizzy mess, and so forth." She said. "Have you had any of the signs yet?" She asked.

"I don't believe I have." I told her.

"Hm." She said, "Philip are you sure you did I-." Philip cut her off by saying.

"I'm pretty sure I know how to get a woman pregnant." He said, "I know how it works you know."

"And how do you know that?" Eliza asked.

"I could hear you from my bedroom." He responded.

"You could?" She asked.

"Oh, we all could hear you." He said. "One question." Philip asked, "Hammy?"

I struggled to keep from laughing. But a giggle or two left my mouth.

Eliza's face was as red as can be.

After the moment pasted, Philip and Eliza brought Tommy in and we began to eat at the table.

As we talked, Philip played with my foot under the table.

"So, I have some news." Eliza said.

"What is it Ma?" Philip asked.

"I'm pregnant!" Eliza said.

Philip laughed to himself. Eliza looked at him questionably.

"At this rate our children will change the nappies (diapers) of your children." He said.

We all laughed as Eliza gave him a funny look. A smiley smirk if you may.

"How far along are you?" I asked Eliza, "I'm guessing from your size, pretty far." I said.

"Eight months the midwife believes that in July I'll go into labor." Eliza said.

After we had finished with dinner, I took a basket of cookies I had made for Tommy to the Dinning room.

He smiled as he hugged me.

I went to pick up the plates by Eliza stopped me. She took them from me. I smiled at the gesture, I hadn't had a mother in my life for so long. It was as if it was a foreign language to me.

Soon there was a knock at the door.

"I didn't know someone was joining us this evening." I said, "Philip, did you invite a work friend?" I asked questionably.

"No." He said looking at the door, "I'll get it love."

He kissed my cheek before answering the door.

Ange stood behind the door.

"Ange!" Philip smiled.

I felt sick to my stomach. I bet I ate something to make me feel sick.

"I wish I could talk but Pops was shot in a duel." She said frantically.

I put my hand to my stomach. My head began to spin like a childs toy.

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