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It’s been a very difficult past week for me. Things remained strained between Demilade and i. We hardly spoke around the house anymore. I am more hurt than angry.

Trust is a vital part of all relationships, and ours lacked it. I wouldn’t even doubt Demilade if he were in my shoes, but with me, it’s the other way round.

We walked around the house like complete strangers. I hated it. I would have cried myself to sleep each night.

I was carrying the child of a man who hates me. I wanted so badly to tell him, but I wouldn’t be the first to break the ice. He’s stupid dad came home the next week. He was in a wheelchair.

Demilade attended to his father, but I just ignored them. He wouldn’t look me straight in the eyes as I watched him being pushed to his room by his son. Why would he?

I bet he doesn’t have the nerve. He’s guilty, and he knows it. He just wouldn’t admit it. If they asked me to choose a superpower, I would go for laser eyes. If only looks could kill.

Demilade shook his head at me as he continued for his dad’s room. I gasped loudly at the act. That disappointment should be in yourself I thought. I’m all alone once again. It doesn’t quite end, does it?

I hated the way he looked at me now, like I’m a liar. Honesty is something I don’t joke with. I might be a lot of things, but a liar isn’t one.
I have worked to build all I had with Demilade.

It took time and when I finally had it at a place I wished for it to be, some lying and cheating man would screw it for me? Heck no!

I stood up from the chair I sat on and made my way to the room when Demilade didn’t show up in time. Someone on my side would have made me feel better. I wondered who his mother would believe if she had been present. She’d believe her husband, of course.

Not that I blame her, I would do the same without thinking. Sometimes I just wanted to throw a stool at Demilade’s head. Maybe that would make him come back to his senses.

The door is open. I made a way to knock, but then I heard whispers. I leaned closer to the door to eavesdrop on them.

I could make out faintly his father saying, “That woman is not to be trusted. She’s evil. Be careful” I clenched my teeth as I listened. When I couldn’t take it any longer, I swung open the unlocked door.

I watched as they both opened their mouths in shock. I glanced at the old man, who couldn’t even look at me out of guilt, and I watched Demilade rise from his crouched position. They stood not so far away from the entrance. No wonder I could hear them. I bet he couldn’t wait to tell his son different lies about me.

“You let your father say all those bad things against me.” I looked at him. I really, really looked at him. He stared back at me,he’s expression was unreadable. I had tears in my eyes now.

“And you...I point at is high time you stop pretending. I know everything you did. Once that weren’t even clear to anybody. Tell your son how you came into my room and tried sexually assaulting me.” He looked scared now. Just the effect I hope I had.

“You hurt your son and pretend like you love him. You act like you are the perfect husband, but you cheat on your wife with your son’s ex-girlfriend.” I shook my head at him in disgust.
I turned to Demilade, who looked taken aback by my outburst.

“I know you won’t believe me, but I’ll tell you, anyway. Your dad took the money he accused you of losing carelessly. He was sleeping with Lucy all this while, even when the two of you were dating. He tried to rape me and he connived with Lucy to ruin our relationship. Toyin was one of many women he dated back in Nigeria. This same father of yours was going to steal your inheritance again for Lucy. He’s been painting you the devil, whereas he’s the one who has been lurking in the shadows to do evil.”
His mouth was agape, and he stared at me in shock. His father looked like a deer trapped in headlights. I wanted to kill him.

The Heart Wants What It Wants (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now