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 I call this chapter the # Reveal# because we get to meet Lucy.

  I yawned out loud as I sat up on my bed. My mind drifted to the night before and I let out a screech and a laugh. Demilade loved my outfit, but important, I got a reaction. He couldn’t keep his eyes off me all night long.

  I played a song on my phone, and that got me all fired up. The song Beautiful Night by Adekunle Gold was so graceful that I moved to it. I felt whole and fulfilled that morning. My mood suddenly falters when I remembered Lucy comes home today.

I know it’s not enough to get a reaction. And the Demy I know would never like me... If Lucy is still in the picture. I plopped down sadly on the bed while I looked out the window.

I felt loneliness creep in, too. Ever since we got married, I assumed the loneliness I felt would vanish. Having to spend my time alone and have no one to call mine made me unhappy.

What’s the point of trying now? I knew what I was getting into. Why not just do the deal and let Demy and Lucy be together and then I get my money and everyone can be happy? It would be a cruel thing to get between the two of them.

And destroying the peace, it’s not who I am. I scampered out of my room into the kitchen. She is going to arrive early and I haven’t. I love cooking. I find it relaxing and creative. There is a satisfaction you get when you cook and the people you cook for love it.

I stopped short at the entrance. Demilade had beaten me to it. He was there already, making something for his beloved.

I took my time to walk over to him. He’s such a fine man, light-skinned, with a very smooth, almost shiny skin. Well built, I wonder where he got that body from cause I have never seen him exercise except the usual jog every morning.

One thing I love about him is that he doesn’t even try. He has the charisma that can sweep any girl off her feet. He’s attractive even when he is being his uncaring, grumpy self.

“Good morning.” He greeted. I didn’t know I was already beside him. The joy on his face is obvious, though his keeping a straight face.

“Good morning.” I answered back, shooting him a small smile.

“Yesterday went well, didn’t it? You sure had your fun. Why did you get all dressed up?”

I felt heat on my face. “No reason. We were hosting them, so I thought to give a good first impression. Is that a crime?”


I didn’t know what he meant, but I sure didn’t like the tone of his voice. I shrugged it off.

“And yeah, I had fun.” I told him. I really had fun last night. They are nice people. The Anderson’s.

“Yes, they are.”

I picked up the pancake that almost fell off the pile he already made and placed it on the plate. I remembered having a fun night, especially the little chat I had with Iretiola.

“How’s married life treating you?” She asks me, breaking the awkward silence that almost fell as we did the dishes.

“Good.” I lied. There isn’t a married life to begin with. I’m the third wheel in their relationship.

“I know about what you did for him.” She whispered, moved her head sideways in my direction. My eyes widened, but I said nothing. I thought it was supposed to be a secret, but yet he goes about telling everyone.

The Heart Wants What It Wants (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant