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I’m so sorry guys, this is the continuation of chapter eighteen. Bear with me.
I was really furious, but I figured I should drive him crazy by keeping quiet. His presence has ruined the cherry mood I came in with.

And since I lost my appetite, I took a bottle of water from the fridge and headed for my room. He wanted a reaction, but he’s not getting it from me.

I settled down to watch the Big Bang Theory when he barged in on me. I could tell he was furious while I just kept a straight, uncaring face.

“What is all this about?” He asked angrily.

“What are you talking about? Weren’t you taught to knock before entering?” I replied dryly, keeping my eyes on the TV. If he wants to play dumb, then let’s play.

“I’m talking to you.” He said and the next thing I know, he snatches the remote from me. Oh, no you don’t! I thought, not when I want to enjoy my favourite show. I was losing my cool.

“Look, I don’t want any trouble. I am staying out of yours and Lucy’s way. Can I just have some peace?” I said

“Peace. You’ve been acting like a child. She’s apologized to you.” He yelled again.

“You know what! Fuck you. You call that an apology! She didn’t mean it. You brought here to spite me.”

“No.” I defended.

“Shut up, please. Don’t you dare yell at me...this is all your fault? The other day, your witch of a girlfriend slapped me,what did you do?” I yelled, but continued.

“You watched and now you come in here and act like nothing happened. You have no respect for me or anyone else. I think you two deserve each other. Now leave me alone in peace.” I shouted.

He stood there staring at me for what seemed like hours.

“Was that why you’ve been acting like a child? That was the most immature thing I have ever seen.”

“Why? Does my silence bother you? You expect me to chat with you, praise you for being dumb or acting like nothing happened. You fucking hurt me.” I snickered.

“What? I did no such thing,” He said, and I scoffed.

Demilade is really pushing it tonight. His cluelessness just makes me angrier.

“You don’t remember. But you remember it was this you that told me I can never have love and that no one could ever love me.”

His face faltered a bit, and I took it up a notch.

“You are an ingrate, an ingrate human being who only cares about himself. You think what you and Lucy have is love?. Guess what, if you love someone you never cheat on them. Get out this minute before I lose it totally.” I point at the door, looking through him like he didn’t exist.

“What? Do you want me to push you out?”

“I don’t want to see you or talk to you until it’s time for the divorce. Get out or I throw you out.”

There were tears in my eyes as I watched him exit the room. I’d rather die than break down in front of him. He just came and ruined a perfectly good night for me.


I left her room. I didn’t know the matter was going to escalate like that,I actually went in there to apologize. But her ignoring me just made me mad.

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