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That kiss was the beginning of a life I've always wanted. A life full of, Love, laughter, happiness and rigorous lovemaking😁😁😁=========================================

All good things definitely don't last forever. It's been two months now and we are still going strong. I won't deny that there is still a constant voice at the back of my head that warns me of impending danger and it gets me really anxious.

My guts don't lie, so I have been careful, but so far there has been nothing to be afraid of.

I continued to work at the store. Demilade asked me to come to his company, but I couldn't bring myself to say yes. My phone dings and I look at it.It's a WhatsApp message from Demilade.

I smile knowingly to myself. We do this every day, calling and texting back and forth. I look at the numbers of other unreplied message's and I just scroll to my man's. Yeah! I saved his number with my man..

"Baby, I miss you. I want to hear your voice."

I smiled happily, feeling bubbly and fussy inside. I miss him every minute of the day. He's not perfect, but the little things he does make me love him do much.

My face suddenly falters as the feeling rose from deep within me. I tried to shake it off. The only bad thing that can happen hasn't come for a while now. Even his father is still in Nigeria.

I quickly pick up my phone and call him. He doesn't pick until the third ring.

"Give the phone to the woman you're with." Is the first thing I say. He laughs out loud and I smile. I loved to make him laugh. It fills me with joy.

"Sorry I didn't pick sooner. Abbey waltzed into my office."

"Oh! That was quicker than expected, knowing her. I really don't know how you cope." I replied because I have met Abbey and I know she has a problem. Still, I liked her a lot because she always spoke her mind.

"I miss you a lot" he said sexily, and I felt a sudden urge to be with him, to have him hold me.

I blush slightly. "the feeling isn't mutual at all," I lie

"I know you are smiling at your phone right now, so stop lying and tell me."

"Fine!!!... I miss you too."

Too late. I don't agree"

"How's work going?"

"Stressful as usual. You?"

"The same... boring as always. Grace is sleeping and snoring on duty," I said.

"You should try it too sometimes"

"You know I don't sleep like that except we just done know?" I said in a low, sexy tone, hoping to strike a feeling deep inside him.

"Bad girl... I like. I'm turned on. I can't wait to get home." He replies in an equally low and sensual tone, and I crack up.

"I have to go. A customer just strolled in. We are doing Netflix and chill to night OK. I'll grab us dinner." I said, smiling brightly at the customer.

"I release you." He replied in an authoritative voice.

"I love you."

I wanted to hear him reply, but I had to hang up. The middle-aged woman who walked in looked somewhat in a hurry.

"Good morning," I greeted

"Its afternoon. The time is twelve o'clock," she replied, smiling kindly at me.

"Oh... Good afternoon, ma'am. What can I do for you?"

"Can I return this... I took it home, then I realized we didn't need this one. It's not allowed, but I do it anyway. I took it from her and look the tin of biscuit dough over.

The Heart Wants What It Wants (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now