A ringing sound from the Thai's jean pocket snap the nostalgia surrounding them and Lisa immediately fishes out her phone, swiping the green phone button once she saw who the caller was.


"Lisa get in here with my girlfriend fast!! No, I mean the hospital, it's-" 

"Say no more, we'll be there as soon as possible." Lisa cuts of Jisoo's panic and exasperated words and hanged up.


"We gotta go to the hospital Chae, and fast!" Lisa interjects her best friend, trying to stay calm and grabs her shoulder bag.

Realization drawned to Chaeyong, panic rising up to both their chest. The Aussie nods furiously, quickly grabbing her things and they dashed out the café, trying to hail a cub which thankfully didn't last too long.

The drive took a considerable amount of time though, considering the Hospital was quite far from where they were but when they did arrive, they rushed to the lobby where they saw Jisoo pacing around anxiously.

"Jisoo!" Lisa called out to what she considers her older sister.

Jisoo sighs in slight relief as she saw Lisa and her girlfriend, "Come on, let's go your parents are waiting." 

The younger girls nod and immediately followed the older. Jisoo led them to where everyone is and that is on the hallway of the 2nd floor and they all looked distressed and anxious. 

"When did it happen?" Lisa asked her parents whose expression like the rest of everyone is: anxious.

"Around an hour ago." her mom answered her daughter.

"Does her family know?" 

Marco nods, "Yeah, coincidentally, they just arrived in the airport and they're rushing to get here but for now, let's just wait and he's also inside the room, he won't let her be alone" 

Lisa sighs and complied and they all waited anxiously, the family they informed on what happened arrived with obvious distress in them and then finally, hours passed and the doctor finally came out with a small smile on his face which slightly relieved the people waiting for the news.

Certainly a doctor won't be smiling if it's a bad news right? Right?

Her friends and family bombarded the doctor with questions which the doctor just gave out a small smile before responding.

"Everyone is safe, you can go inside to see them but please be careful as the patient is still exhausted."

At that point, everyone sighed in relief and they all raced inside the private room and the sight that greeted them made their heart melt and and a smile broke out on their lips.

Leo faced the newly entered visitors with a bright happy smile, holding a small bundle of joy. Jennie was lying on the hospital bed, clearly tired but nevertheless, happy and content. 

Her friends and family immediately congratulated them and Jennie's parents went and hugged their daughter while Lisa and Leo's parents looked at their grandchild adoringly. Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Lisa cooed the baby on Leo's arms as the baby struggles lightly, making a whimpering noise, he was the perfect mix of his parents.

Eventually, everyone left the happy little family to get them what they needed. Jennie looked adoringly at the two beings completing her life, she couldn't been more happy on how her life turned out. When Leo came back, they immediately got married after 5 months, they thought why wait if they were gonna spend eternity with each other anyway and then, 3 months later, Jennie got pregnant and the couple and their family couldn't be more happy.

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