Chapter 45: Olivia Green

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I massage my temples as I listen to Mrs Wells giddily discuss Shakespeare, some human play writer with awfully strange scrips and confusing characters. I often feel like the man needed a hug. Her hummus smelling room puts me off lunch like it usually does, the ginger teacher always seems to have a smile on her face revealing her fangs. The bell rings and she flushes red, being caught halfway from expressing her love for the dead man. Pretty sure she's had an orgasm or two.

I get up and put away my things, recalling that I have to meet with Principal Reynolds... again. With all of this commotion of my real identity, I don't think I've had a normal day at school for weeks. It's strange with how much things change and how much you miss the old days. I let everyone else leave first before following the rest of them out, heading away from the cafeteria as usual. It's Wednesday, wrap day; I do miss a salad wrap. I also surprisingly miss the company of the popular table, as bizarre as it sounds I loved the toxic atmosphere, the constant dramas that seem so small in comparison to now. 

The normal demons don't know about the war that will take place on Saturday. We decided it be best to avoid panic until the last second, having the citizens who can't fight go to the underground bunkers each city has, and for the remainder to fight. Sure, some people could use with some training however it'd cause too much chaos and questions; questions that we don't have time to answer. I barely go to lessons anymore, either at Divine Academy or at a meeting with my father. It's tiring, plus I'm not sure if I want to go back to the angel school, after my slight slip up I'm worried that I'll expose more secrets; Ashton is a weakness.

"Olivia?" he calls from behind me and I pause, turning my head to see him. His pale skin nearly blends into his white hair, dark bags beneath his icy grey eyes indicate lack of sleep whilst his slender figures seems more skinny. "Can we speak please?"

Usually I'd say no, however something about his gaunt appearance and skinnier frame makes me worry. Fuck, I'm getting soft. Is that bad though? I hurt my future people to push them away from me, yet it does feel nice having someone close. "Yes."

He looks surprised that I even agreed to this, blinking once before pulling something from behind his back, "We won that competition from poisons, I asked Mr Caville if we could go last night because I knew you were busy... so I picked you up some leftovers."

I take the paper bag, "Uh, that's really nice of you." Just thank him for fuck sake, does it hurt to be a normal person?

"I also wanted to say how sorry I am," he says under his breath. "I never expected anything to happen between us, hopes- definitely. But I think it's clear that we just wouldn't work out. My reaction was terrible," he grimaces. "I offended you, hurt you. I just really want to apologize. I know Freya would kick my arse if she found out about me hurting your feelings. Plus, I do care for you, as a friend. I want to be there for you Olivia."

I think about his words and I can tell he means them, I know it's been eating him up on the inside from his physical appearance. I know him bringing Freya into this shows me how much he's been thinking about this, for her sake I say the next thing. "It's Liv."

He opens his mouth and pauses, eyes brightening.

"You're supposed to be my councilman," I say slowly. "It only makes sense we get along. I accept your apology, now come with me, we have a meeting with Mr Reynolds."

He lets out a sigh of relief, "Wait. Why are we going to to the Principal?"

I explain the situation to him and it's fair to say he's flabbergasted, caught so off-guard that he shuts up as I go through everything. Yet as the shock disperses, he begins to ask questions related to the plans, going as far to understand our strategy. 

"So the Principal usually calls for you when your father wants you?"

"Yes," I nod. "I suppose this is for my armour. I've been having multiple fittings and I'm rather curious about what it is going to be."

"Black or green?"

"Why not both?" I question quietly. "My mother is still my mother."

"There's even been gossip about your last name, are you taking on the Morning Star or keeping Green?" 

I furrow my brows, "Green."

"Are you sure? I kno-"

"Olivia Green," I mutter. "I was born Olivia Green, so I'll die Olivia Green. Just because I'm The Devil's daughter doesn't mean I have to take his name."

Fernsby only nods once and doesn't say anything else. After a meeting with the Principal and a trip via the taxi, I'm at The Centre with Felix by my side. I walk into the throne room as usual, Lucifer is sat on his phone discussing matters with his three tailors who seem to make armour as well. The woman seems antsy in my presence and I don't blame her, after slapping her from her incompetence I'd be scared as well.

"Father? You seem to be summoning me daily," I say with a tight voice. "Can't a girl have a normal day at Blasphemy High?"

"Not when we're at war," he says dismissively, his tone grinding my gears. "Oh, who is this?"

"Felix Fernsby, my future, personal councilman."

"Surely we'd want a better equipped demon?"

"Felix has always been by my side," I begin. "He's trained to be my councilman for Envy's kingdom, so he's the best candidate. Plus, I don't actually like anyone else and he deals with my bullshit."

"We'll discuss this later," he says displeased. "You're here to try on your armour. Here, gold and black, plates lightweight and fitted perfectly. Accommodates your wings as well."

"What about the green?" I question with raised brows. "I am here to represent Envy as well, I am her daught-"

"Oh," he feigns surprise. "I hadn't have thought about that. Maybe in the future we can add some green-"

I cock my head to the side as I stare at the piece. It does look stunning, however how am I supposed to be happy if I don't complete all seven kingdoms? "I want green."

"Don't act like such a petulant child, daughter. We have bigger things to worry about, you should be proud of your Morning Star-"

"I am. Yet I am also proud of my Envy heritage," I say quietly. "I will go into battle wearing all my familial colours. Don't pretend like you hadn't wanted me to go out representing just you."

Lucifer closes his eyes and releases a sigh, "Fine. You caught me. You three," he clicks his fingers. "Add some... green."

I smile victoriously, raising my chin as I make eye contact with Felix. After all, it is a new era. 

Olivia Green: Envy's Child [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now