Chapter 37: Ashton

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Tall walls, grande architecture and peaked roofs. The castle sits proudly on the coast of Brittany, France, clouds overshadowing the structure in a somewhat foreshadowing way. I raise my brows at the large cross designed from ceramic molded above the grande door frame, grimacing at the image.

"So," Samson begins, perched on my shoulder. "Are we supposed to enter? Or are they going to come out with fireworks and holy water, 'cause let me tell you my long list of allergies-"

The double doors open and a figure walks out. Light grey uniform perfectly done, knee-high socks with brown shoes and a pair of gorgeous feathered wings nestled on her back. Her tanned skin is flawless, curly hair half up demonstrating the natural beauty she thrives in, especially with her chocolaty Asian eyes and plump pink lips. She holds a clipboard in hand, hands tightly gripping the object as she raises her chin in faux confidence; I can see the nervousness in her stride.

"Good morning," she smiles, her teeth white and perfectly straight. "My name is Michelle, however my friends call me Micky. I'll be your guide today, showing you around Divine Academy and introducing you to the faculty who will be teaching you. Oh, um, w-what is that?"

I realize that Samson hasn't masked himself and is posed rather menacingly, "What is what?" I jest.

"The, uh," she swallows and looks fearful and my body guard. "The lizard on your shoulder."

"Lizard?" Samson protests in his thick accent, genuinely sounding offended. "I am an imp, Missy."

She flinches and stutters a rapid apology, "O-of course, I am so sorry. W-would you like me to begin the tour?"

I agree, nodding my head once before stepping off of the teleportation platform in front of the school. The air smells salty, a nice change from Yorkshire. We step up the steps. I'm dressed in a pair of black cigarette trousers and a dark green, backless, long sleeve bodysuit with a pair of heels. My black wings sit comfortably on my back, I feel safer with them as if they're just right. After a couple of days to myself, I've become more accustomed to them however haven't figured out exactly how to fly- that's an entirely different situation. Sometimes my eyes throw me off guard, when I haven't looked in the mirror for a long time and have forgotten.

"So, what is your name?" she asks sweetly, I'm pretty sure I've developed a cavity.

"Olivia Green," I respond. "Didn't they tell you that?"

"Yes," she replies truthfully. "However I prefer it when people tell me themselves. They informed me of your situation. You see, I'm the student council president and I often represent the student body. They thought it'd be best that I show you around since I am your age."

"What's age got to do with it?"

"You'll relate better to me," she beams. "We have more common interests, we can talk about things easier and get to know one another. Despite our differences, they hope we can become friends."

It takes me a second to even process what Miss Perfect said, her optimism and honesty is overwhelming, just like the glare I'm getting from her teeth. "Oh."

"So the lessons you'll be learning are the three core subjects of angel training: telekinesis, flight and light. We are aware to your natural capability with telekinesis, flight takes time and practice meanwhile light... have you had any signs?"

I frown and shake my head, "No, I haven't."

She pauses before nodding, "Time will tell. Sometimes angels simply don't have the entire trio."

"Do you?"

"Why of course," she giggles. "I am graded 'A' on all three, which is the highest score by the way."

Olivia Green: Envy's Child [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant