Chapter 44: You're Ready

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"So you're telling me," I pause and take a sip of water as we walk down the steps into the impressive gymnasium. "You lost your virginity at holy camp?"

Ashton chuckles and nods, pushing open the door for me, "I suppose so. It's an academy tradition to the popular circle, we do it every year during the summer months as a holiday."

I raise my brows, "We don't have a date to fuck in my school."

The angel chuckles slightly, cheeks tinging as he scratches the back of his neck, "U-uh cool. However it's different for angels though, we can't do anything like that within these walls."

"Not even sneaky?" I ask in surprise. "That's what we do. With the dorms and whatnot it's simple sneaking people in."

"Yeah.. no. We don't do that type of stuff. We're holy entities remember?"

"Of course," I wave off. "And we're the unholy bad influences remember?"

"Obviously. All demons are so terrible, creatures of sin with a lust for blood and souls," he says in a sarcastic tone as he takes me to the middle of the room. "Terrible, terrible individuals. Inhumane, sinful creations from the twisted Devil himself. Awful."

"You idiot," I laugh, whacking him on the back of the head.

He only smiles and looks at me warmly, "I like it when you laugh."

My stomach flutters and I pause, truly taking in his handsome features. He's perfect. From his dark chocolate skin, to his slightly muscled frame, gorgeous smile and glistening dark eyes. I catch myself and the strange, unfamiliar emotions resonating throughout my person; stop it Olivia. I quickly shift my gaze to more of a glare, "Now I'm not going to do that."

"Why? Worried someone might actually see the nice side of Olivia Green?"

I snort, "Yeah, 'cause there's a nice side of me."

"I've seen it," he responds softly. "I think she's sweet. Why don't you let her out more often?"

To protect my feelings from people like you. I chose not to reply and place my hands on my hips, chest aching slightly at my thoughts, "Right, what we doing today dickhead?"

He seems to snap out of it and looks around cautiously. The rest of the students have grown accustomed to us hanging out with one another, preferring to avoid me at all costs apart from a handful of angels. The teachers have pretty much given up on me, especially since I work best with their top student.

"You're ready," he tells me confidently. "We're going to fly, the full circuit, okay?"

I grin widely and nod enthusiastically, my wings expanding in agreement as I begin to stretch out my arms, "Right, okay, yeah."

He smiles at my excitement and I quickly pull myself together, "So we're going to take off like we've practiced and then stay in the centre of the circuit to get you used to being up so high, alright?"

I exhale and nod once, biting my lip in preparation. I flap my wings upwards, the muscles in my back working seamlessly; I push up into the air. Flapping my wings, I get higher, putting power into each beat. I go higher than I've ever been before and stop, keeping myself level just like I practiced with Ashton last week. Only last week I was closer to the floor. Much closer to the floor.

"Great," he laughs in surprise as I offer him a shaky smile. "The height is definitely going to be something you'll get used to." He takes my hand and grins, staring at my wings with pride. With a nod, he tugs me towards the beginning of the course. "I want you to take it slow, no need to rush."

I only mutter my agreement, feeling the nerves bundle in my stomach.

"Hey," he says quietly, thumb rubbing the palm of my hand comfortingly. "I know you can do this."

With that he let's go, I hadn't realized but my wings keep batting without a thought, easily supporting my weight and continuously going. That gives me confidence as I try not to look at the ground. I push forwards, ducking beneath beams and gliding through hoops, swerving around protrusions and keeping a keen eye out for the next obstacle. My wing catches on a beam, and I spiral, breath catching as I fall out of the circuit and begin to fall.

Arms catching me and the figure lets out a grunt as I dangle, gravity taking a toll. Ashton looks strained as he let's me dangle, "Flap your wings, get your balance."

I do just that, with a flap of my wings I balance midair, grimacing at the large drop; definitely would kill me, "Damn."

"Not even a thanks?" he chuckles and shakes his head. "You did good, however there is something else I want us to try today. Come on, let's land."

He touches down gently whilst I do with a thud, stumbling slightly. Clearing my throat and blushing, I follow him out of the gymnasium and into the courtyard where a couple of students are in a formation of three, light energy shooting out of their palms and connecting into one stream; they hit their target of a dummy, slowly melting it down.

"Children of archangels don't need to rely on other angels in order to use light effectively," he says, propping up a dummy and moving a couple of metres away from it. "Allow me to demonstrate." He puts his palms together and closes his eyes, focusing his energy. Soon, his hands begin to glow, he pushes it out in a thick beam of white power quickly melting the dummy down.

"Is there any way of deflecting this?" I question. "Last time I had to dodge and roll."

He chuckles, "Certain materials can disperse the energy, such as the shields we used last time. Otherwise it'd definitely hurt."

I nod and furrow my brows, "Michelle told me some angels don't have all three powers. Do you think that could happen to me due to my mother?"

"Definitely a possibility," he shrugs. "However I doubt it. Lucifer was a very powerful archangel. Okay, stand here whilst I set up a dummy."

I stand in his spot and stare at my palms, unsure if the holy light would kill me or not even be in me. I frown, this hasn't been the first time I've disliked being such an abomination. Half angel and demon. A thing that shouldn't be possible or existing, due to complications such as this. Plus many beings would be angry at the multiple powers I have. 

"I want you to actually dismiss your telekinesis, your wings, your demon abilities," he begins. "I just want you to find this energy. The energy that pulses throughout your veins; it's not located in your chest, not on your back. It should pulse through your DNA, small beads of energy that if focused you can pull it to your palms, the concentration should be so great you want to push it out of you. This takes a lot of self awareness."

I close my eyes and breathe out, doing just as he says. I stand like that for ten minutes, waiting for it to suddenly appear, searching throughout myself to find these little 'beads'. I don't and I grow frustrated, throwing my hands in the air, "This is ridiculous. I can't find anything, I don't have it."

Ashton shakes his head and smiles slightly, "I want you to start meditating, every morning and night, only for as long as you need. This will help you find it, it's not something that just announces itself. It took me a full week of meditating an hour a day in order to find it myself."

"Yeah but I don't have a week," I grumble and my eyes go wide.

"What do you mean?" he says worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"I should go," I say quickly, rushing off of the grass, cursing myself walking towards the teleportation circle. 

"What? Livi!"

I ignore him.

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