Chapter 27: Even If You Hate Me

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I let out a pained grunt as the seamstress tightens the corset, my innards being rearranged with each tug of the strings. I suck in a deep breath and roll my shoulders, trying not to snap at the two men working on my new dress. A woman takes random measurements, jotting numbers and words down on a notebook before continuing with modifications. 

I'm stood on a pedestal in the center of my bedroom, Lucy lying on the bed sleeping whilst Samson is sat on the balcony, looking out at the view. Lucifer sent his personal tailors to my home once I agreed to announce my identity, wanting the ceremony to be as magnificent as my dress. Sadly, that means standing like a mannequin for these fools to prod pins into my skin and drown me in fabrics. 

One of the men, Tommy I believe, tugs on the strings once more and I curse, "Would you prefer me dead?"

"No your majesty," he mutters. "My apologies. Is this suitable?"

"It was suitable three tugs ago, I almost feel like you're calling me fat. To let you know, I workout religiously."

"You are most certainly not fat, your majesty."

"I know," I huff, annoyance itching beneath my skin. 

They continue their jobs as a knock sounds on my door; Samson flutters into the room and grasps the door handle, pushing it down with his clawed feet before pulling it open. A small yelp resounds from the doorway, "What in Satan's name?!"

"What is your business here?" Samson says, however his tone indicates how offended he is. 

"I-I'm," the intriguing figure stutters and swallows. "I am here to speak to Olivia."

Samson grumbles something beneath his breath before nodding his head inside, "Try anything and I'll eat you."

Felix walks in pale as a ghost, eyeing the diminutive imp with caution. He then makes eye contact with me and releases a relieved sigh, "I would like to speak to you."

"About that thing that you brought up yesterday?" I question with a deadpan expression. "I have been waiting for you. I knew you would come, you're too persistent for your own good."

"Um," he glances at Samson and nods lowly. "Yes. I am."

I almost snort in both humour and surprise. Felix? Easy? Never. With a chuckle I shake my head, "Samson, cut it out. Leave the boy alone and go get me some water."

"I'm your bodyguard," he responds in displeasure. "Not a waiter."


"Fine," he huffs. His wings flap and as he passes Fernsby, he merely snaps his jaws causing the demon to flinch before pulling the door shut behind him. With the imp gone, my peer visibly relaxes before continuing.

"Why are you here?"

"I know," Felix says quietly, unsure around the three other people in the room and visibly uncomfortable with seeing me in a corset and underskirt. 

However amusing it is to see how awkward he is currently, his words aggravate me. Of course I know, he didn't exactly make it difficult to figure out. The woman accidentally stabs me with a pin and I huff.

"Am I alright to speak-"

"Yes," I snap and he flinches once more. Oh, so he fears me. Well after my little display in self defense, I would be uneasy too. I suppose he suspects that I'd beat him up as well, however what he doesn't seem to understand is how restraining this fucking corset is. I feel my anger spike and I purposely try to control my breathing, which is made very difficult due to my apparel. 

"I know about your father," he says slowly. "Because I begged Brent to tell me. I knew something was wrong with you, yet I also knew he was keeping something from me. After some prying he slipped that it was about you, so I persisted he tell me everything."

"That mother fucker," I curse. I suppose my lack of sleep doesn't help my attitude either. Someone stabs a pin into my hip and without thinking I backhand the bitch. Her head whips to the side and she collapses to the floor, the two men instantly go to help her as I shut my eyes in fury. Why can't anything be simple? "You three. Out."

They scurry away like the cowards they are, cooing at the heavy-handed ogre to reassure her. Reassure as much as they want, she should learn her craft instead of potentially giving me tetanus. I take restrained breaths, turning away from the boy in front of me in order to try and gather my bearings.


"What did I tell you about that nickname?" I hiss, looking at him in vexation. "You lost that right after that day."

"That day was neither of our fault, we were just kids."

"Yeah?" I ask rhetorically. "So was she, yet she's not exactly stood here to tell us."


"Olivia," he says with a forcefully calm voice. "I'm not here to talk about that topic."

"You never are."

"Maybe because it fucking hurts, okay?" he snaps. "You're not the only one who lost someone that day. I lost my sister, my twin sister. I know you loved her, yet it's seriously unfair that you blame me."

"You didn't run fast enough."

"Oh, any you could?"

"She died in my fucking arms!" I scream, feeling a growing pressure in my chest. "I was in love with her, and she died in my arms, tears streaming down her face because she was scared. She was terrified to go Felix. We depended on you and you couldn't even do a single thing right!"

Felix's eyes brim with tears and he scoffs, "We were six."

"Six! So fucking young!" I exclaim and wipe a hand down my face. "She had an entire life ahead of her! Freya could be with us right now, yet she isn't! Just because poor Felix's feet hurt!"

My anger peaks, the pressure grows and my ottoman flies across my bedroom out of my balcony, soaring into the front yard. I hear the distant crash as Lucy begins to whine, her eyes wide and fearful as she stares at me. 

"Lucy, sweetie come here."

Lucy stays put and visibly looks shaken, sensing I am a threat. This breaks my already aching heart, the one thing I truly love and she won't even look at me.

"Olivia, I know you're angry, but just think. Would Freya be happy with what you've just done?" Fernsby says quietly, putting his hands up in surrender. I can tell he's frightened as well, I honestly don't blame him. I am a demon ticking time bomb. 

I succumb and relax, feeling better after releasing the pressure. "She would whack me on the back of my head and give me a lecture."

He snickers, "She was the only one who could knock any sense into you without you retaliating."

"True," I smile slightly only it quickly dims after I realize who I'm talking to. "So... do you know anything else?"

"I know about Mr Stain."

I shut my eyes and look away in shame, "That bastard."

"I know you're mad at him and I. Yet he was only trying to help me."

"Help you?"

"Yeah," he whispers. "I know our history is complicated and you still don't forgive me, yet I do care for you. Even if you hate me. I'll always be here for you, I understand that your entire life is changing, so I promise that I'll always be here for you. For both Freya and my sake."

I lick my chapped lips and approach my hell hound, extending a gentle hand for her to sniff. She nuzzles her head into my palm as I scratch beneath her chin, her tail wags in appreciation. Easily forgiving and forgetting, letting the past remain in the past. Friendly to those who care for her and loyal. If only I was so kind.

"Can you leave?"

Felix's head drops down, obviously upset and seemingly defeated. He puts his hand on the doorknob yet halts, turning to look at me one final time, "I'll always be here for you. Even if it kills me."


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