Chapter 18: Fake It 'Til You Make It

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My mother didn't come. Instead Mrs Ruffles, the head maid of the manor arrived delivering a letter personally. It was an excuse, not even hand written by my mother but Mr Weasleton, conveying the heartless message that wished me my best luck and that she 'supports' me. That I'll overcome this, it'll only make me stronger and that I shouldn't let it get me down.

Like saying I'll be fine as I drown in an icy lake.

Mrs Ruffles gave me a tight hug and wiped away my tears, combed my hair and provided a change of clothing, offering to burn the ones I wore during the incident. She's always been more of a mother to me, not necessarily personal however she was always the shoulder for me to lean on. Then she left. So did Brent after she came into the infirmary. Yet now I sit here by myself, waiting for the nurse to give me the thumbs up to leave, staring blankly at my feet and feeling numb.

It's a weird feeling, I've cried so much that now I feel nothing. As if I'm just a drained battery, waiting to be miraculously recharged. I doubt it. I've never felt this way, never felt nothing at all. Not even anger is burning. That died hours ago. The sadness wilted only thirty minutes before now. It's hard to comprehend I'm even here right now, especially since I don't feel myself.

I don't feel like giving the nurse a cocky remark, or humiliating Nancy Hodgkin. I don't want to have anyone's affection, I don't want someone to tell me I'll be better, I just want to feel.

"Miss Green?" Comes the nurse's mouselike voice. "You're free to go when you wish, however if you need anywhere to just run away to, I'm here. I know you're not the talkative type, I know you probably dislike it when people pander to you however I just want to let you know my infirmary is a safe place to just sit and hide."

I bite my lip as a warm feeling spreads through my chest; acceptance. "Right. I'll be going. Um..." just thank her. "I'll see you around."

She hesitantly smiles, opening the door for me and prolonging her look at my ankle to make sure it didn't magically snap. I'm wearing a pair of dark green jogging bottoms and a simple white vest top, underneath a lightweight, black jumper. With this I'm wearing a pair of basic trainers and my hair is up in a messy bun, makeup wiped from my face revealing the heavy bags beneath my eyes. Sleep for the past week hasn't been a visitor.

I take my tote bag holding my possessions tight to my body, before stepping out of the infirmary and releasing a jagged breath.

I'm so alone, my heart aches as I force myself to take one small step after another in the direction of the dorm. In the direction of the mishap. I don't walk confidently, rather trying to keep as small as possible. Rounding corners are the worst.

"Miss Green?" Comes a light, masculine voice from behind me.

I bite my lip and look over my shoulder at Mr Caville, "Yes?"

"I thought I'd escort you to your dorm room," he says politely, offering a smile. "I thought you wouldn't feel the best walking down here by yourself."

I blink in surprise and nod hastily, "Yes, definitely."

"I thought so," Mr Caville walks next to me and goes to stride largely, however realises I'd fall behind. He changes his pace and steps in time with me; the small things that help. "Your cast is off?"

"Yes," I say quietly. "I heal fast apparently."

His eyes narrow, "Strange. No demon can heal that quick."

"Maybe Envy can," I shrug off, disliking the intrusive nature of his questions.

"You're right," he backs off. "Maybe she can. Perhaps... ask her?"

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