Chapter 23: Compromised?

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Richly decorated, the office smells of salted caramel and pricey, masculine fragrance. The room is a large, airy place with high ceilings supported by beams and curving into gorgeous black oak panelling. It is split levelled; once entering the office you are greeted with a roaring fire from a golden fireplace, inviting wine coloured settees set up in a 'U' and bookshelves lining every available wall with hefty, ancient books. The upper level is simply a desk with two chairs facing it. A laptop and various stationary are organised on this mahogany, midnight piece; simple and sophisticated.

Yet behind the desk is a large, gorgeous window with an arch and a gorgeous view of the green fields. At the top of the window, a small section of it is open- only now I know it is where the imps enter.

Samson flutters onto my shoulder, revealing himself in the safety of the room. He peers around and sniffs slightly, intelligent eyes absorbing every inch of this fine office.

Looking out onto the fields is Principal Reynolds himself, sporting a black, long-sleeved shirt with a dark purple waistcoat, black trousers and a mauve belt; his bat wings are nestled on his back, snug and relaxed. He turns to look at me and smiles, hand holding a gold coffee mug which he gently sets down on his neat table. Samson flutters off my shoulder and onto the floor.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you from your studies, Miss Green. Yet it has come to my attention that you have found out about your true father."

"The Devil."

"Yes," he nods and beams before waving his hand to a plush seat. "It is a matter of time until the rest of the student body to find out. With your birthday coming quick, I presume that would be a dead giveaway."

"Why?" I ask, taking a seat.

"Well," he clears his throat. "Your father does have wings."

"Wings?" I repeat and look down at my lap. "You're right, that is a dead giveaway."

"However, I'm sure they'll look incredible. After all, my wings sure do," with that they flutter slightly, flexing before settling down as he takes the impressive seat opposite me. "What I wanted to talk to you about more though was the announcement. You need to be proud of yourself, you are the soul daughter of Envy and the Devil- oh, who's this?" The vanity demon takes in the imp who clambers up on the seat next to me, staring at him curiously.

"The name is Samson," he replies, accent thick and proud. "I am Olivia's bodyguard."

"Bodyguard? Why would she need a... oh."

"Mr Reynolds, what happened with Mr Stain?" I ask hesitantly, making sure my breathing is steady.

The Principal casts me an apologetic look, "Your father has him. Miss Green, I must apologise for not being careful with my staff. I handpicked each teacher myself yet I never thought—" he sighs and I can tell he's remorseful, yet I don't comfort him. I don't want to, it was a mistake and he should learn from it.

"Green and black," I say quietly.


"Green," I repeat. "And black."

He catches on to what I'm saying and smiles warmly, however it doesn't reach his eyes, "Why. Of course! I'll be sure to make an order. At the auditorium?"

"Yes," I say quietly. "Sir, are you aware that I'll be going to, um, that angel school?"

"Yes. I've been in contact with them and they're are excited to have you. However when you join is your father's decision. Especially since we need to figure out how you'll cope with your education here and there."

"The Emperor only wants her to control her gifts that she'll have," Samson speaks up whilst staring at his talons with attitude. "I'll be watching over her anyway so she won't be compromised."


"What your little imp friend here means," Mr Reynolds intervenes. "Is that everyone knows of the tension between demons and angels. So I doubt there will be some students or faculty that will be very pleased."

"Well they won't even try, I'm one of the best students in self defence," I declare. It's true, I'm one of the highest ranked students in that lesson.

"True, however it's just a precaution."

"Plus I doubt any angel will be brave enough to do such a thing," Samson chuckles. "Not with me by your side."

We quickly finished the meeting and I'm left with barely any answers, just more stress on my mind opposed to anything. I fell asleep almost instantly, hardly being able to keep my eyes open.

Yet only I'm awoken by someone shaking me, it's pitch black and I know it's late yet the person stops once my eyes snap open.
I'm met with pale, concerned, grey eyes and messy brown hair.

"W-what?" I croak as I shrug off Brent's touch from my forearms. My throat is sore, cheeks wet and muscles achey.

"You were screaming," he whispers, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. "I was still awake and I could hear you, so I came to check on you. Th-that creature let me in."

"You mean Samson," I mumble, scrubbing my puffy eyes. "He's my bodyguard."


I look up at him, tired and hurting just wanting this all to slow down and for me to have a good night sleep. I'm fed up of all the complications, lies and revelations. A part of me wishes that I could be some low sloth demon, with a simple life with no expectations.

"Olivia," he reiterates. "What's going on?"


"From Mr Stain?"

I flinch, the images still fresh in my mind. So real that I could've sworn he was just touching me a second ago. "Yes."

"Okay," he exhales. "The next time you have a nightmare, I want you to come to me if you wake up. If you can't sleep, come to me. I'll be awake."


"What do you mean?"

"Why are you being so kind to me? Don't we hate each other?"

"Olivia, I'm not going to be horrible to you after what you've been through. I know what you're like, knowing you you haven't actually told any other students," he waits for me to correct him, yet I don't. "Olivia, I've never seen you cry until it happened. You've always been so strong and self-centred that it scared me when you broke down. I know you're hurting, but I'll be a shoulder for you to lean on."

"What's the catch? Why aren't you telling everyone?"

"I'm not such a dickhead as I make out to be," he responds quietly. "Plus, my brother went through something similar. He was raped by a group of women."

"Is he okay now?" I ask shakily.

"He's healing," Brent nods. "Yet he's learning from it, growing from it. It's been three years since the incident yet he's happy now. He's managed to find a husband who he loves dearly, considering starting a family and even has a hellhound. He has it all."


"What I'm trying to say is, I'm many things. Greedy, a prick, sometimes even a bully," he looks down at his lap. "Yet one thing I'll never be is oblivious to someone's circumstances."

"Can you stay with me?"

He blinks in surprise, "As in, to sleep?"

I nod once, "Yes. Will you?"

"Um," I can see the cogs turning in his head before he nods. "Of course. So you want to tell me why you have an imp?"

I tell him everything as we both lie in bed next to each other, before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

Olivia Green: Envy's Child [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now