Seventy Two

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"I feel as though everyone is staring at us..." Rayne delivers his shy words while adjusting himself in my lap, the two of us having decided to show our faces at breakfast instead of hiding out in our chambers... Not just so that we may put on a show of strength and indifference to Xiang's menacing note and the threat that he and Shen pose to our wellbeing... But also so that the palace might see us and rejoice with us that we are finally joined as we should be and that nothing shall be removing us from the throne no matter how hard the last man who sat on this throne might try.

"It's because you are so very beautiful, my sweet Moon Beam..." And he is beautiful... Practically glowing from our romp in the sheets this morning, the look on his face when he had reached release while sat astride me one that comes to mind every single time I close my eyes... And I should accept it no other way because the expression was truly stunning... It had left me in the kind of awe that demanded I draw him close and never let him leave the safety of my arms. 

I'll never grow tired of watching his cheeks fill with such robust flushes, the redness leaking into them practically begging me to fish his delicate face from where it lies hidden in my shoulder and kiss the daylights out of him in all of his absolute perfection, the giggle I receive from my sweet shard of starlight one that makes my heart ring out with joy. 




While Emrys himself might be used to being gawked and stared at by all of the palace residents and staff, I myself am still not entirely used to it...The sensation of so many eyes being trained on me when I've done nothing other than letting my husband feed me as is his right to do with me sitting here so nicely on his lap where I belong... As if it might be strange to see the two of us so wrapped up in each other, though I do not know what any of them expected from us, our second night as a married couple spent exactly as it should have been... Making love to each other and falling asleep wrapped around one and other so very tightly... 

"A few more bites, my Love... And then if you would like we can call for something sweeter?" Emrys's good mood makes it so very hard not to smile as a bite of steamed fish appears before my lips, a touch of rice trapped beneath the morsel just as my sweet husband knows I enjoy it. 

I should say that he himself should eat more than he has... That before either one of us gets an early morning treat he needs to recuperate from our earlier morning treat that we had indulged in upon waking... So much energy he has spent pleasing me... And now he seems to find it within himself to dote on me even more, a kiss being stolen after he delivers the bite into my mouth ever so dutifully. I should inform him that if we are to spend every night like we did last night, and oh I hope we will, that he needs to keep his strength up... Just as I need to keep mine up as well... And maybe just maybe we will be able to settle into some true form of happiness and indulge in a pool of superheated relief from all of the strategizing, planning, and preparation that is going to be happening through our early days with each other so that we might keep ourselves and the kingdom safe. I want to tell him this but I find that I am not given the chance, for one kiss always leads to two... And then three... And it continues on until my sweet Papa clears his throat from the table closest to our raised seating arrangement and we find ourselves pulling our mouths apart, the bite that had been given to me already swallowed so that I could make room in my mouth for Emrys's devilish tongue.

If only we could bathe in this afterglow all of the time... If only Shen and Xiang had never become so very twisted that they would want to hurt us... We could allot so much more time to the healthy tending of our relationship as it continues to blossom so very beautiful... I would much rather devote more time to seeing how many times my sweet husband might coax me into calling out his name so uncontrollably... Seeing how many times we might be able to collapse into each other and revel in the bliss that we've caused one and other... I wish we had the time to explore the carnal happiness that had befallen us last night and even this morning... I would have never guessed that the feel of my husband inside of me could change so very much just by changing the position we make love in... When I was on top it seemed that he was able to reach so much deeper inside of me with his beautiful hardness, and it is a feeling that haunts me even now with residual wanting that is truly making me ache for him in a way that my robes just barely manage to hide as I sit and try to behave myself in a Queenly manner...




"Something sweet? You mean other than yourself?" Rayne finds it within himself to meet my eyes with his flirtatious response and once again he makes every other person in this room disappear... I never would have expected to find a wife so wonderfully compatible with myself... I had known that my beast would drive us to the wife that we need by our side to remain sane and competent in order for us to be an effective leader of this kingdom that I love so much... But I had never dared hope that my soulmate would be funny, and sweet... But also bold and fearless when he needs or wants to be... 

I love him so very very much and will never find myself longing for something more... I shall always have my sweet Moon Beam by my side and we shall fight for this kingdom, and for each other... And no one will ever be able to stop us, "I heard whispers that there is a very special cake that is waiting to be sampled..." A trial wedding cake made by the kitchen to practice before decorating the one that is set aside for when we celebrate publically... Something I have no doubt will lighten the mood of the very dim day that we have ahead of us, and something that I hope will help my new bride feel as special as he should be even with all of the unfortunate events that have befallen us. 

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