Forty Four

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"Are you sure this is wise? To leave your Father out of the meeting like this?"  This is the third time this question has been raised to my ears as we sit in one of the hidden war chambers while waiting for the advisors that had pledged themselves to Rayne this morning, both Cho and Akeno fearful that my Father might take offense to this meeting being held without him. 

"My instructions were for you to send your men out to collect the advisors who have pledged themselves to Rayne." Who is currently shaking himself to pieces in my lap, his tears silent as we wait on the last few advisors to arrive and take their seats, "My Father has not pledged himself to the new Queen, and the last time I checked he is not an advisor. He is unstable and a danger to us all, and his remarks over Rayne's assault proof of his unsavory character. I do not want him here." If I had my way he would have been pushed from the palace the moment he had shown his true colors in the hot spring... I may have to wait to take the throne, but there is no rule in this court that says I cannot gather my own party of advisors to meet over the safety of my bride. In fact, I would rather say that most people would applaud me for what they would see as me taking the initiative... But really... What drives my motives is a cold flurry of fear currently nesting in the heart of the flames boiling in my belly...

I cannot stand the thought of Rayne being in danger... Of him being a target for Shen Hirai's misplaced rage... Of having anyone... anyone at all... look at my sweet shard of starlight and think that they would like to harm him... I can't even stand the thought of someone thinking that he is not the most wonderful creature to ever walk this Earth... 

And most of all I cannot stand the thought of my sweet Moon Beam being so terrified he can barely breathe... I hate the fact that I now know not to panic when his body goes slack in my arms because I know that he has simply fainted...Again... The third time since arriving here in the chamber we are currently seated in... The fifth time since Cho delivered the news, his first fainting spell so sudden that I almost had not been able to catch him in time to save his precious head from hitting the hardened tile possibly worsening his vision. 




Emrys is very gentle as he rouses me, his crooning seeming misplaced in the room so ominous it almost feels as though my soul is being tainted just by sitting in here, my fiance tender as his hand caresses my cheek, my face being brought out of hiding so that he might take the time to kiss some of my nervousness away, though there is so much more of it waiting to bubble towards my surface just as fast as he does what he can to brush some of my anxieties away. 

It is hard to let him pull his face away from mine... But I know I need to let him go, his expression hardening as his eyes stray from mine as if he is challenging every set of eyes that has the nerve to meet his gaze... As if to ask them how much truth lies in their fealty... The unsaid challenge being pushed from his mind to theirs to dare them to run and tell his father and bring down my husbands wrath upon any of them who prove to be false. 

"I have called you here... Because Shen Hirai somehow managed to escape my flames... As you all are aware he was involved in the vicious attack visited upon my chosen brides the night of the ball-" I have not the heart to listen to Emrys as he continues, his speech an effort to rally the level of outrage he feels is appropriate over the unfortunate situation we have found ourselves in... 

I cannot listen to him because it pains me with how it brings the memories of that terrible night to the forefront of my mind... The awful smell of roses haunting me even though there are no windows in this chamber hidden under what I think must be part of the soaking pools of the hot spring, the temperature of the room so warm that I almost cannot stand to keep my position cradled so safely in my future husband's arms even though I know that it is currently the best place for me... Both for my safety, and the safety of others, Emrys's beast so close to the surface that I can almost swear I feel it's presence here in the room looming over us all with an anger so great I am shall be surprised if Shen Hirai does not feel it's malice wherever he is hiding and flee in terror.

If I had not been assured that he would never raise a hand to me I myself might find my body secluded off in some corner trying to hide from the tension surrounding us as troubled gasps fill the air as Emrys recites the poisoning that we had originally chosen not to inform the court of until we had some idea of who had intended to take my life... My breathing accelerating as a fearsome growl tears itself from my sweet Prince's chest as his hand finds its way up to cup the side of my head ever so gently in order to urge me to lean further into his embrace so that he might shelter me from the growls that join his own, a chorus meant to assure me that they understand that I find myself so very afraid of the man who had visited such atrocities on me and that they shall stand for his terrorizing no more. 

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