Twenty Six

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There is little relaxing to be done in our secluded pool after being so rudely interrupted by my Father, poor Rayne simply unable to relax while in the open air and feeling so exposed. As much as we both know the hot water feels nice on his sore body he simply does not have it in him to want to linger, and I do not find any fault in his feelings on the matter. 

I am all too happy to help my beautiful burst of starlight find his way out of the steaming pool so that I might draw him close and guide him back to the bathing chamber, the screen doors being pulled shut behind us after I set him on the same stool he had occupied earlier. 

His quaking seems to lessen once we're back inside and for that I am glad, the quick toweling I had thought would be needed being able to be drawn out so that I might ensure his hair is not weighed down with extra water before tucking him back into his newly acquired robe with a gentleness that had not been present the last time I was in this room. 




"Y-Your Father does not approve of me..." I am not sure why I say it, my bottom lip unable to keep itself still while I spout the obvious... King Xiang's unkind words still causing my chest to ache... I will never understand the need some people have to be cruel to others... It sounded as if it had brought him such great joy to insult me... To insult my family... I just can not comprehend the need to cause others pain and I hope that I never will. 

Emrys says nothing for a moment while he binds the rest of the ties that shall keep my borrowed robe from slipping off of my body, most of them unable to have any slack thanks to how much more delicate I am than my future husband... But when he does speak it is soft and with purpose, the end of it punctuated with the softest of kisses being pressed gently to my forehead, "It matter's not what he thinks... Not to me, nor to the rest of the Kingdom... I shall love you and cherish you and so will our people, Rayne. Please do not think that I will ever let the opinions of others sway my feelings towards you... You are much too precious to me for that."

His words are so tender that they almost start off another bout of tears from my eyes, my hands reaching out so that he might fill them, my silent call for him to embrace me answered swiftly, his arms coming around my shoulders so that he might hold me back while I continue to stay perched where he wants me on the stool...

For as roughly as the beginning of our relationship with each other has started I dare say that our life together will be a wonderful one if he continues to croon such sweet words to me... His affection something I know I will never tire of, my normally quiet beast waking every single time I find myself in his arms in order to also bask in his warmth and kindness.




It physically pains me to have to pull away from the new keeper of my heart... But there is no way for me to slip my own robes on if I stay attached to him like both of us so badly wish I could. 

I do my best to hurry myself when it comes to dressing, half of my ties being left undone altogether in my effort to return myself to my timid fiancee as he waits ever so patiently for me, his eyes focusing down at his lap instead of wandering the room aimlessly in an effort to soothe his curiosity even though he cannot actually make out any of the detail around him. 

No... Instead, he truly seems shaken by my Father's appalling conduct, the slicing of his insults merciless and so very uncalled for... 

I should have done more than just break his ribs... I should have run that pathetic excuse of a man from the castle, my flames toasting his ankles on his way out... Having to wait until after the wedding and coronation to rid ourselves of the miserable wretch almost seems like too long of a stretch of time, my fist surely aimed for that smug face of his if he ever dare try and even glance at my delicate Moon Beam with the wrong intentions. 

Before I can let my thoughts dwell on the man any longer I feel a very shy pair of arms loop themselves around my waist, the timidness in Rayne's hold enough to give me pause as I look over my shoulder to find that he is indeed off of the stool I had balanced him on, his only words for me being, "Calm yourself... I did not mean to upset you..."

He does not try and meet my eyes, his cheek being pressed into my back as his hold on me comes firmer, the comfort he offers me leeching away the leftover rage still billowing about in my system. 




Now that we are alone comforting Emrys comes naturally to me, the instinct to go to him when I feel his unrest no longer suppressed by fear or the constraining hold of my family... This time I am able to help myself down from the stool and carefully pick my way over the tiles in order to hold him... To tamper the rage and fire in his belly with a calming touch feels as if it is the most natural thing I can do in the world once I have the courage to actually do it, the way he cannot help but pivot in my arms so that he might return my embrace warming my own belly, but with love... 

"You've not upset me, Darling... I was just thinking about how sad of a man my Father is... And how I cannot wait to free the Kingdom of his tainted aura with you by my side... But those thoughts can wait for another time when you are well enough to join the discussion on how we might start to reverse the gloom that he has so thoroughly cast... For now though... Let us get back to our rooms so that we both might rest..."

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