Twenty Seven

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When we get back to our chambers it does not take much coaxing on my part to get Rayne to consent to taking a small dose of the sedative even though this morning we both know he had been content on staying awake with me throughout the day before we move on to letting me strip us both down so that we might lay the way Kanaye suggested, the way he curls into me once he's climbed into bed with me after swallowing the tincture both simultaneously making me both joyful and saddened, his mental wounds over all of the cruelty he's been exposed to since arriving here causing the occasional shudder to roll through him as he gives himself over to the forced relaxation of the medication. 

The half dose he's taken is not enough to force him to succumb to slumber, not unless he actually wants to... But it does seem to calm him the more it starts to take hold of him, the timid cuddle he had graced me with growing deeper and deeper as he scoots himself closer to me, his legs tangling themselves with my own as he gets truly comfortable nestled into my side. 

He truly is a sight to see, even while still recovering from his trauma, his long luscious hair now looking so much better in the daylight than it had before now that it has been cleansed and detangled... I had offered to comb it for him before we laid down but he had rejected the idea, informing me ever so gently that after a certain length it is best to only comb hair when it is mostly dry to avoid breakage and intensifying the tangles... Though he did promise that I may aid him with it later, the thought one that had made us both smile, although his seemed a touch nervous.

His silky white mane is spread out beside us, the ends of it pooling down near where his feet would be if we weren't so thoroughly wrapped up in each other, his swollen eye hidden from view as he nuzzles his beautiful face into my chest next to where his hand lay right over my heart, the way he sighs when I let my inner fire raise my temperature enough so that our cuddle might be even more soothing for him ensnaring me in the enchantment that is my little Moon Beam even more. 




"Little Shard of Starlight... Is there something I might do to make you feel better? Is there a way that I might soothe your soul as you've done for me?" The question Emrys chooses to break our silence with moves me, his care so very thorough in the way he's starting to pick up on my different discomforts.

It takes me a moment to answer him, the heat radiating from his body forcing me to deepen our cuddle even more until I am practically lying half on top of him, my hand being bold enough to move up to his far shoulder before slipping up to his cheek in order to guide his face until he might understand that the only thing I crave from him is another of his tender kisses, which he gives me without hesitation even though he keeps it dreadfully short and much more chaste than the others we have shared today.

"I want nothing but to rest with you, my Prince... Might we just-" I fall silent for a moment, my head swimming in a way that makes me worry over losing the lovely breakfast we had shared together, sharp pain jumping to life in my temples as the back of my head throbs where I had been kicked so harshly. 

I find that I have to pull away from Emrys, sitting up only making the pain worse, but in the end, it is the right decision as my worries are realized and I need to lurch for the chamber pot I cannot even see, my knees aching with how hard I fall to the floor before I start to heave with my dizziness nothing coming out but my own startled cries as I feel my finance fluttering about my person, his concerned whispers feeling as though they are being shouted at me before he turns and actually shouts at Bohdi and Indra to run and find Kanaye. 

Eventually, my heaving stops, but the headache seems to only settle in with a vengeance, my cling to Emrys when he manages to gather me into his arms genuine as I seek comfort in him. 




"M-My head...Ohh... Emrys, my head..." The episode had come on so suddenly that it had nearly scared the life out of me, concern for my little love pouring out of every fiber of my being as I cradle him as gently as possible... 

I had not been sure of what was causing him such distress until his hand's had found their way to his temples so that he might press on them while dry heaving once he had found his way to the floor...

I cannot think of anything that might have brought this on, his pain only seeming to intensify as his tearful sobs start to grow louder, his watery voice starting to plead with me to help him... But I am not sure how... I cannot think on what might have caused this distress to fall upon him so swiftly... My first thought jumps to his head injury, but he seems to only want to clutch his temples instead of the back of his head where he was kicked, but while I comfort him and search the inner depths of my mind Indra lets himself in unannounced breathing heavily as he delivers a panting Kanaye unto us, the physician falling to his knees by my side to inspect Rayne as he fidgets and moans in my lap. 

"Prince Emrys, it looks as though this might be poison... Can you think on what he might have eaten that you have not?" Kanaye's words are rushed and make my heart fall right out of my chest as I understand them, my voice stolen from me as he turns and shouts at Indra to run and fetch the Royal tasters to see if either of them is showing any symptoms... 

And just as he does so I am finally able to pull myself together to try and be of some help... And my eyes fall right upon the very last thing Rayne ingested... The medicine that Kanaye himself had left with us right before our bath. 

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