Fifty Nine

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I had not bothered ordering everyone to leave before whisking Rayne into our innermost chambers, his robes still strung around his waist while I carried him as safely as I was able until we had reached our bed, my wife clinging me to with soft sobbing that lifts my heart with the joy that it contains... The same tears running down both of our faces even now as we stay wrapped up in each other's arms... 

My sweet Moon Beam is nestled so safely in my lap, the scene of a gentle calm moonscape strewn with six individual clouds overlooking the kingdom we will make happy once more... The kingdom that has already fallen in love with him just as quickly as I myself have, his charm lying within in the gentle inner nature that he has so amazingly managed to communicate to us all... A trail of rose petals wrapped around and woven throughout the scene to pull all of it together and bind it all in just the right way, Rayne himself having told me that while the smell of the gardens had made him sick... It had actually been the particular section of garden he had been assaulted in that upsets him... And that he would be more than happen to enjoy the rest of our home together view the rest of said rose gardens whenever time will allow us... Stories of his beauty and stunning heart having already circulated their way through the districts and villages just as quickly as I suspect rumor of our wedding shall start floating amongst the people as soon as the advisors that had been quite unprepared to witness our joining so suddenly.

The image had come to me a few nights ago while watching Rayne dream, though I had thought I would have more time to consider all of the detail than just a few hours that had stretched from our decision last night and filling my lungs with flame what feels like only a few moments ago. 

I had thought it might be hard losing my fire at him... Hurting him so intentionally even though we both know that it is a tradition for wives to be marked in this way... Despite how reverently he has whispered to me over how much he has looked forward to this moment right now in the aftermath where he will finally be most permanently mine... But seeing his eagerness in the moment... The way he had waited with flushed cheeks and bated breath with his hair twinkling with its woven strands of pure luminescence highlighting the excited smile I had spotted facing his stunning half-hidden face... I had given us both a moment to calm ourselves with the song of my beast bubbling to the surface, and then I had struck, my flames careful and well-controlled, the searing of Rayne's flesh artistic and well-executed, the already healing skin scarring nicely as he shivers and holds himself close to me with croons of happily tearful, "I-I am loved! And I-I shall always be l-loved!

The way his teeth chatter around the half groaned statement causing me concern until Kanaye pushes himself into our bed-chamber, apparently fending off some of the crowd that has still yet to disperse with the help of a teary-eyed Akeno, the two of them likely the only two we would be comfortable receiving in this very intimate moment of healing and affection as my Love soaks in the safety of this moment... As we push thoughts of any harm that has happened or possibly will happen as far from our minds as we can. 

They say nothing, the two of them dropping down onto their knees before daring to approach the bed, their bows in recognition of our changed positions in this world, Akeno's bow when directed towards his son and Queen deepening just slightly as his pride shows through in the best way possible. 

My beautiful shard of starlight considered a Cloud no more, but forever surrounded by the heavenly host that is his family, the way they gravitate around his beauty second only to my own obsession with him and his stunning being, his inner beauty so apparent in ever mannerism he presents to me... I had thought to splash a scene of the moon and stars across his shoulder, the painting I had drawn inspiration from certainly one that would have suited Rayne's milky skin... But it had lacked the emotional significance that I had felt it needed... He is mine and I know that... But he does not belong to just me... And in the brand I have given him every part of him is represented... Himself... His family... Me...And the kingdom that we shall oversee hand in hand. 

My sweet shard of starlight hardly notices our guests, instead choosing to focus on making sure that he is able to mold himself as close to me as possible as his father and the physician straighten out and see to his back so that we might all be sure that it will indeed heal properly, all extra precautions having been taken with Rayne's health still so delicate from healing the trauma of his assault as well as all of the stress that has been surrounding us... Not that he seems stressed at all in these moments as I am allowed to hold him and assure him that, yes...We did just get married... And that no...No one will ever look at him and think that he is less than what he has always been... Which is absolutely magnificent. 

There is a slight bit of protest from my cherub when the rawer of his wounds are draped with the bandages soaked in the medicinal balm that Kanaye had rushed to prepare for us, the batch having not been finished until right before the small ceremony we had been blessed to have had, and I cannot thank the gods above us for the physician's speed, the poor man having had only just gathered the ingredients the day before thinking he still had more time, the effect the medicine has on my Queen a clearly pleasant one as he hums and presses himself more fully against me... An action that would normally prompt the heating of my chest for comfort, though I dare not do so now in case I cause his fresh wounds any unnecessary discomfort.

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