Sixty Nine (18+)

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"Are you sure?" I shall never tire of the way Emrys looks after me, for it truly shows how much he cares... But if he pauses one more time to make sure that bedding him tonight is a decision that I am absolutely sure about I think the people who have made themselves our enemies will be the least of his worries.

"Yes!" I do not mean to let myself chuckle my answer, though it leads him to know that I find him just as endearing and as enchanting as the very night he swept me off my feet for a turn around the dance floor that had left me nearly speechless... And just like that, his lips find their way right back to mine for the fourth time as we begin to move against each other in the dark... "Yes... I love you, Emrys... How many times must I say it? Make love to me..."

He had suggested a candle so that we might see each other just a bit better... But it would detract from the way his eyes are glowing... And I cannot seem to let myself be distracted by anything other than the way he keeps gazing at me... He stares at me as though I am the most precious gift he has ever received, and I do not have the words to express how cherished he has always made me feel... How safe... 




It's not as though I do not wish to make love to my sweet shard of starlight... I just want to be sure that this is something he wants to do and not something he feels like he has to do... I've told him many a time that if he were to ever wish our relationship to be a platonic one due to the stressful nature of our courtship that I would completely understand... I could and still can understand that he may not want to be touched after such a brutal assault... That even though he feels close to me and attached being physical may be too taxing for him... 

And yet here he is, raising his head just enough to put more effort into the kiss we are sharing, his arms already cast around my neck so that he might keep me close... His thighs parting themselves so that I might know the pleasure of finally laying between them... Our members grazing each other in a way that makes me need to stop and swallow hard before deepening the kiss still happening between us...

I've had dreams of this happening... Of my sweet Moon Beam accepting me with his body, his soul already so thoroughly wrapped around my own... But feeling myself settle against his soft body is more divine than it truly has any right to be... The way he groans so softly at the feel of my weight as we let ourselves fall prey to one and other in the simplest most carnal way of all... 

When my mouth pulls itself away from his, it is not to ask him once more if he is sure about this... If he wants to stop all he'll need to do is tell me, and no love will be lost between us... But for now I allow my mouth to wander along his delicate throat and let myself nibble at the tender flesh I find there before kissing my way across his collarbone... One of my forearms being used to keep the love of my life from bearing all of my weight, the other moving to his far nipple as my mouth falls upon the one closest to it, the way his body jumps with a gasp, his hands sliding into my hair for a handhold in the most enticing way possible... 

He uses it to urge me to take my fill of his delectable chest, which I do, a tender moan escape him over the care I am taking to stimulate him... I want this to be pleasurable for both of us... And if I can manage to get his dew to come in before we join ourselves it'll be easier for me to slide inside of him, and less straining on his body...




Emrys is thorough in the way that he touches me, his fingers staying humble and ever deft as he uses them to pinch and roll my nipple, his mouth finally releasing me from the toe-curling sensation of him flicking his tongue over the sensitive bud before leaving a trail of heated kisses down my belly, his eyes looking up from where he lays between my thighs, our sheets cocooned around and caught on his body, freeing mine from their confines so that he might gaze upon me with true lust and wanting before kissing the tender flesh of my hip in a way that makes me gasp...

"You are so beautiful, Rayne... The way you glow..." His face moves itself down even lower so that he might nibble on my thigh and make me squeal and fight the urge to flex my legs around him, "It stuns me... Renders me absolutely speechless with how much I love you..." Those are the parting words he gives me before I nearly lose consciousness in the bliss that he causes, unfamiliar noises leaving me as he swallows my hardness and I feel for the first time the kind of pleasure that had been in that raunchy poem I had found myself reciting the other evening... 

He moves his tongue against my flesh, his cheeks becoming hollow as he begins to suckle my flesh with such great purpose that my eyes can hardly understand or bare the image of my darling King cradled between my thighs, my cock pulsating against the hot wetness that is his mouth... 

And yet all the pleasure that this cause could never have prepared me for when he lets loose a chuckle and releases me only to delve lower in order to find a very different prize, my grip of his silken raven hair becoming firmer as I feel him begin to nibble and lap at my rosebud, my body twitching in retaliation to the first swipe of his tongue, Emrys's arms moving so that he might loop them around my thighs to keep them spread so that I might not crush his beautiful face while he tastes me, his hands settling on my hips to keep me close to him and pinned down, my only responsibility at the moment trying to keep my voice down so that the guards and family members scattered about our chambers do not hear my cries of pleasure...




"E-Emmy!" I wish I had not waited so long to consummate our bond... For even something as simple as taking a taste of Rayne's succulent flesh lights my entire world on fire with how beautiful he tastes on my tongue, his delicate pucker greeting me in such an inviting way that there had been no other thought in my mind than pushing my tongue deep inside of him to greet the dew so hesitant to come out of him... My entry to his body is anything but hesitant as I let myself enjoy the feeling of making him twitch and call for me... 

To feel him start to shake under my ministrations may be the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced... Or at least I think it is until I let myself chance looking up past his straining, leaking member to find my Angel with his eyes clenched shut as he presses himself against my lips asking for more attention... Attention I am more than overjoyed to give him... 

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