Twenty One

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I could have never imagined that the dragon that had called to me so loudly and defended me so fiercely could belong to a man so gentle, Emrys's hands never ceasing in their gentle caresses to my sore face, the kisses he keeps gifting me becoming bolder and bolder, the last one nearly parting my lips with his own in order to taste the ripened melon that had been the last thing to find its way to my lips. 

The passion that had been in his mating call is ever-present in the way I can tell that he wants to hold me closer than he currently is able to... The way he cannot seem to stop himself from pressing his lips against mine, his hold on me held gently, his stiffness still present but politely ignored by us both even after he shifts us into a more comfortable position. 

He pays no attention to the plates other than setting as many as he can stand on the floor next to the bed so that we might stretch out, his gentle hands guiding me until I've shifted my weight off of his lap and on to the soft down-filled bedding and pillows before his blurred form follows me bringing with him a single bowl who's contents evades me as he lays next to me propped up on his elbow so that he might stare down at my broken visage with a fondness that I still cannot believe is aimed my way, the bowl being set up next to our pillows so that he might caress my face and hold me still for another softly stolen kiss that causes the glow he's building in the pit of my belly to grow even brighter.




Even still slightly bruised and swollen my little Moon Beam is beautiful, the starlight that dances in his bleary eye as he stares up at me making it impossible to resist the urge to kiss him every time it rises up in my chest... And the way he's starting to lean into me when I do so? 

I do not think a single man has ever felt so much like a King as I do right now having my chosen bride want me just as much as I want him... To have affection start to flow freely between us just as it should despite the tragedy that befell our first meeting means the world to me, just as it seems to make him feel more content and steady as he adjusts to his new title, the loss of my mother allowing those around us to freely situate the title of Queen before his name though technically neither of us have been crowned. 

At the moment he is the closest thing this kingdom has to a Queen and already we are better for it, every single face that has passed through this room today leaving with a smile caused by his warm nature and true calmness that I know I will never grow tired of. 

He seems surprised when I fish a berry from the bowl I had reserved and bring it to his lips, his delicate hands coming up to steady mine so that he might angle it better to take a bite, the luscious red juice dribbling down each corner of his mouth while his lips tease me as he pulls them away to chew his morsel, my own mouth watering as I watch him try and watch me as he swallows... My lips descending upon his once more to taste the sweet juice that stands out so sharply against his complexion. 




Just as I am about to tell my charming Prince that he is spoiling me we are joined, no knock sounding at the door this time, just Kanaye announcing himself with an "I am sorry to have kept you waiting, Your Highnesses. There was a discrepancy on my part trying to find where you were... I thought you had gone with the Clouds to their rooms... My deepest apologies... Truly."

I find the medic's confusing interruption more endearing than anything else, though I know with the way Emrys sighs he does not feel the same towards the physician's charming introduction... Though I do have to say that the giggle the leaks from my lips erases his frustration as his hand releases the rest of the berry he had been feeding me in order to caress my cheek again, his thumb wet when it resumes its stroking of my cheek, his lips warm and slick as he laps away some of the juice from the berry before leaving me be.

"No need to apologize, Kanaye, just... If you could be quick so that we may return to our secluded bliss?" To hear the longing for me in my fiance's voice makes me shiver, my stiff muscles wanting to reject the tepid movement making me wince just a tiny bit, the movement not unnoticed as the thumb under my eye slows to a stop, a look I cannot see being thrown Kanaye's way. 




I know that he does not wish to sleep the day away, but I would so much rather that he does if it means my beautiful Moon Beam won't spend his waking hours in pain and discomfort instead of peacefully dreaming...Kanaye understanding the look I shoot to him to hurry when I catch a twinge of pain flash across my beloved's face.

I had not thought about the need for a follow-up examination this morning, but as Kanaye unloads the same devices he used last night to take stock of my sweet Rayne's initial injuries I cannot say that I find myself opposed to the idea of stringent follow-up care for my darling Queen as his cold hands descend on Rayne with a gentleness that almost rivals my own. 

Last night Rayne had been too exhausted to really participate in his examination, his eyes not wanting to stay open after using so much energy trying to defend himself while still needing to heal, but this morning he is alert, able to turn this way and that at the request of our physician, little questions on the extent of his injuries finally starting to make way to his lips and our ears. 

"So if my ribs are just fractured I can still move and behave normally?"

"As long as you are gentle with yourself, yes. There is no reason I can see that you cannot move about once you feel up to it." Kanaye answers each question after an unintentional pause as he tries his best to split his focus. 

"S-So does that mean I might ask my Papa to take me for a bath this afternoon? M-My hair is matted from all of the dust last night and I should love to rinse it clean now instead of having to cut it off later."The question is timid, almost as though he doesn't dare ask it, his trepidation understandable but something that I'll eventually rid him off, his heart's desires my only concern. 

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