Thirty Nine

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"Does he live here in the castle? If you are always to be where Rayne is when will you see him? What's his name?" Wen, my lovely elder sister, still has not changed in the days that we have been separated, her prying endearing, to say the least as she fawns over Ronin and Kavya as they serve as our escorts trailing us around the room while Emrys holds me by the waist showing us all of the different features that I shall eventually become accustomed to... Like elaborate screen paintings and ceremonial swords and scrolls proudly displayed on the walls, most of which are still beyond my appreciation unless I put myself immediately in front of them. 

My eyes might not be up to par at the moment but even I can tell how much my sister's curiosity over their unique situation is disturbing my new counterparts, their hands apparently to be spied intertwined even at this very moment if what I can make out of their forms while we move about the grand tour of the chambers that I am now lucky enough to call my own, Kavya clearing his throat as he tries to figure out the correct way to answer before Emrys steps in, ever kind, "They are not allowed to answer either of those questions, dear sister, so I shall answer to the best of my ability without putting the poor boy in any extra danger while the power is shifting. Their wife..." You can tell that his name is right there on the brink of rolling off of Emrys's lips, but he stops himself just in time, "Does have a position here at the palace so that they might be close to each other during the day, and the three have been invited to share one of our smaller side chambers so that they might still nest together properly."

So in other words... Their wife will be living here and eventually I would get to meet him! And ask him all of the questions I have myself... Like maybe if the two of us could be friends since both of his husbands will be responsible for not just his safety but mine also. 




I do not think I shall ever grow tired of hearing Rayne's giggles... His laughter sounds so much like music that it almost makes me want to dance every time his face lights up... Which has been quite often this afternoon with his family surrounding us... Everything from his eldest sister investigating Kavya and Ronin's third partner, India, and his strange absence in this intimate moment... Though he isn't... Not really. I know for a fact that they had moved the young scholar into the chamber I had offered to them, and if my timing is correct, he should be in there right at this very moment, likely pouring himself over one of the scrolls that he is so often found clutching as he rushes through the halls trying to track down one mentor or the other to try and figure out whatever discrepancy he had managed to find while on his way to becoming the next royal tutor... The tutor that would one day be teaching the royal children... Our children... 

Just the thought has me pulling my delicate Moon Beam closer, careful of his still slightly tender side and happy beyond all belief when he curls into me with a smile on his face over knowing he is so very very wanted and always will be... 

I know that even though everyone in the room is too polite to comment on it... But I catch the smiles on the faces of all of my in-laws as they watch me lead my sweet shard of starlight around with his sisters, Wen not letting go of her endeavor to find India and smother him in affection after learning of his existence... And that he is indeed a runt like their beautiful brother, "This is unacceptable! You cannot tell me that Kanaye suspects that he's with child and then not allow me to start wedging my place into your wife's heart so that I might be Godmother is simply unforgivable!

"Wen has always had a soft spot for children... My sweet Prince, I dare say that she fully intends to spoil our children whenever they come about." The warning is delivered with a kiss to my shoulder that makes me want to scoop my petite love up into my arms and carry him off to our sleeping chamber so that I might have him lay underneath me while I sample his lips and so that we might start gearing our bodies towards the makings of those children. 




"You say that as though I might want to ruin her fun!" Emrys chuckles as he kisses the tip of my nose causing a stir to rise in my sisters as they egg the two of us on in the giving of affection to one and other, a kiss falling onto my lips before I even have time to consider who else was in the room with us... My poor Papa clearing his throat from where he's seated with Mama perched so calmly on his lap as his treasure when one of Emrys's hands finds itself straying up to tangle itself in my hair, our lips barely parting before Emrys gifts me just one more bold kiss before truly pulling away from me with a smile on his handsome face as he gears us back towards my parents so that we might sit with them and discuss the remainder of what will need to be arranged for the wedding, my dowry apparently having already been handled privately by Emrys and Papa some time while I was sleeping in the past few days.  

"I heard talk of grandchildren, please tell me I have nothing yet to worry over, Your Highness..." The way Papa sighs his words I know that he means no disrespect... Just that he sees what is happening between us... How solid the draw is between our bodies and the seriousness of the affection that we share... The way he's holding onto Mama so protectively speaking volumes to just how much he remembers what it's like to have first found Mama... 

"Even if Rayne gets pregnant, there would be nothing for you to worry over, Akeno... You say that as if I could ever tear myself from your son's charming side."

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